Chapter 54 - The Shy Card

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***Harry's POV

I'm sorry, Mr. Styles, but your heart condition has worsened. You have less than a month to live. You should get your affairs in order as soon as possible.

Those haunting words replay in my mind while I finish eating breakfast with my family at the table. Needless to say, the nightmare I had last night shook me.

I woke Bea and Seb with my terrified screams and while she comforted our son, I checked on our daughter. Thankfully, I hadn't woken her up, so I spent a few minutes watching my little girl sleep. After covering her up with the pink blanket that she had kicked off, I went back to bed.

And Bea started asking me questions about my nightmare that I refused to answer.

I couldn't tell her that I died, I couldn't tell her that I watched her come unglued at my funeral and I most certainly couldn't tell her that she was alone.

Damn weird nightmare.

"Look at me, Dadda," Ferris giggles, bringing me out of my thoughts.

A smile forms on my face as I watch her wiggle in her high chair, waving her pink spoon all around before taking a bite. She's still in her pink feetie pajamas, her wispy blonde curls are all over the place and my heart is in a damn puddle on the linoleum.

My little girl.

"You're so silly, Love," I coo, wiping some strawberry oatmeal from her cheek. "Isn't she silly, Mummy?"

"Mhm, she certainly is, Dadda," Bea says in her 'Mummy Voice' and I look over at her with a smile.

And those damn butterflies start flying around in my stomach. She looks stunning in her blue maternity sundress with pink flowers and her wavy brown hair is down and flowy and it looks so touchable.

Maybe I should've worn something other than just my jeans and a t-shirt sweet Jesus, I can see down her front when she leans over. No, calm yourself, Harold.

Although I'm getting all worked up from the sheer sexiness that is my wife, I'm also having feelings of admiration toward her.

Bea is holding Seb in her left arm, feeding him his bottle while she eats her cereal and I realize for the billionth time that I couldn't have picked a better woman to be my wife and the mother of my children.

"I can feel you staring at me," she says, fitting her eyes to mine and she smirks.

"M'not even sorry, Love. You're just so beautiful and I can't help it."

Her cheeks blush a pretty shade of pink before she looks down at her cereal bowl and I take a bite of my honey nut oats, feeling pretty smug that I caused that reaction.

There's a knock at the front door that I immediately recognize and Ferris gasps.

"She's early," I say, glancing at my watch. "Good thing we're ready."

"Yep. If you answer the door, I'll clean up in here."

"Thank you, Baby," I wink at her and turn my attention to Ferris. "Was your oatmeal good, Love?" I ask, wiping her messy face with her bib and she tells me how yummy it was. "It better be cos I made it," I joke and she just looks at me. "You'll find my jokes funny when you're older. Do you want to greet Gramma with me?"

"Yeah! I love Gramma," she says and I pick her up to carry on my hip.

"You do?" I knowingly ask and she nods excitedly, causing her curls to flow all about. "Well, guess what."


"I know Gramma loves you, too," I tickle her round tummy and she giggles.

With my happy daughter squirming in my arm, I walk over to the front door with a smile. Even though I know it's my mum, I still look through the peephole just to be safe and my mouth drops.

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