Chapter 44 - Melted Wallpaper

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***Harry's POV

I've been awake for almost two hours now. It's nine o'clock on a Sunday morning and I'm still in bed with my beautiful, sleeping wife.

The thought of making her breakfast in bed crosses my mind, but I decide against it because I don't want to leave our bedroom while she's asleep.

I haven't even gotten up to take a wee.

I know she'll be confused and disoriented when she wakes up anyway and me not being here will only give her unnecessary stress.

And after last night, we don't need any more stress.

Our first night home went by just like the Emergency Room nurses said it would; sleepless. Bea woke up several times in a panic, scaring the shit out of me. After I realized she was having a bad dream, I held her in my arms to calm her down, telling her that she was okay and quietly singing to her until she fell asleep.

I would never wish a concussion on anyone because this has been a living hell and I can't imagine what it's been like for Bea.

As I watch my beautiful wife sleeping peacefully next to me, I can't help but smile. This is the longest she's slept since this whole ordeal and I know it's doing her a world of good.

While I'd rather have slept through the entire night, I'm not complaining because Bea and I have the whole day together since the kids are with her parents. My guess is that we'll probably spend most of our time in bed resting, but I'm not going to object.

We need it.

Bea takes in a deep breath and my eyes shoot straight to her closed ones. She yawns and rubs her eyes, letting the breath out with a sigh.

I wait for her eyes to open before I say anything because I don't want to startle her, but I'm anxious to know how she's feeling and more importantly, if she remembers me. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't nervous about Bea losing her memory during the night.

But I push that depressing thought aside as her eyelids flutter open to the brightness of our bedroom.

"Good morning, Bea," I quietly say and she smiles.

"Morning, Harry," she says and I honestly want to jump for joy.

My girl remembered my name and it didn't take her that long! Holy shit, what a relief. Okay, stay calm, Harold. You don't want to scare her.

"How did you sleep, Baby?" I ask, wrapping my arm around her waist.

"Good," she bites her bottom lip, looking at me with nervous eyes.

"What's the matter, Love?" I ask and she smiles.

"Can I kiss you again?"

Her question catches me off guard and I chuckle because I just can't hide my excitement.

My girl remembers.

"Of course you can, Love, but I should probably brush my teeth first," I warn her with a smirk. "Morning breath."

"I don't mind, I swear," she whispers and if we had wallpaper in our bedroom, it would be melted off.

But I don't care.

I trace her messy, beautiful brown hair behind her ear and cup her cheek, leaning in closer. I close my eyes, smiling in anticipation and I softly press my lips to hers.

And my God, our breath is bad, but I wouldn't trade this moment for anything.

Bea sighs into our kiss, carding her hand through my hair and I feel a certain situation growing in my pajama bottoms.

Fuck. I didn't have a bloody chance.

It's that time of the morning and my beautiful wife is kissing me. This proves to be a challenge to control myself while giving Bea what she needs.

She giggles into our kiss, slowly pulling away and I open my eyes to hers.

"Our breath is pretty bad," she admits and I gape at her.

"You said you didn't care," I playfully chide and she squints in pain. "What? What's the matter, Love? Tell me."

"It's just, that was too loud," she says, bringing her hand to her head and I feel like shit.

"I am so sorry, Bea," I say in a hushed tone. "Do you want some pain relievers?"

"Yeah," she whispers, opening her eyes to mine. "I'm in pain, Harry."

"I'll be right back, Love."

I push the covers back and get out of bed, careful not to jostle her and I walk into our loo. Before I do anything, I make a pit stop at the toilet. I've been holding it since last night and I'm about to burst.

After I have a delightful wee, I wash my hands and grab the bottle of pain relievers from the medicine cabinet. Walking back into the bedroom, I open the bottle and tap two tablets into the cap.

"Okay, here you go, Love," I quietly say and she takes the two tablets while I grab her water bottle from the nightstand. "And something to wash it down with."

She keeps eye contact with me as she takes a drink and I gently wipe the corner of her mouth where some water has dribbled.

"Thank you," Bea sighs, handing me the bottle and I set it back down. "I um, I have to pee. Would you mind helping me to the bathroom?"

"I don't mind at all," I say, holding out my hands for hers and she places them in mine. "One, two, three."

"Ow ow ow ow ow, oh my God, my head hurts so bad, Harry."

"I'm sorry, Love," I sigh, lifting my hands to gently cup her cheeks. "Do you want to wear the neck brace?"

"No, I have to go now," she frantically says. "Like now, now."

"Okay, let's go."

As we make our way into the loo, Bea apologizes every other step and I remind her that there's nothing to be sorry about. Then it hits me that I should've thought about her needing to use the toilet earlier.

Good going, Harold.

"Almost there, Bea," I encourage her as we take the last few steps and she hums in acknowledgment.

With Bea positioned in front of the toilet, she pulls up her nightgown and I pull down her pregnancy undergarment and I see why she apologized.

I tell her that it's not a big deal while gently lowering her to sit down and she doesn't say anything.

"These come in handy, don't they, Love?" I smile up at her as I remove the soiled undergarment and she just looks at me. "I'll get you a new one. Don't move."

She doesn't even crack a smile and I realize that now might not be the best time for my dumb jokes.

I pat her knee before standing back up and I throw the soiled undergarment in the bin. I grab a new one from under the sink and walk back over to my wife, thinking of what I can say to lighten the mood.

My stomach growls and I know exactly what to say.

"How do blueberry and banana pancakes sound? I'll cook and we can have breakfast in bed, yeah?" I ask, kneeling in front of her and she doesn't say anything as I slide on the new undergarment. "What do you think, Love?"

"What if I'm like this forever?"***

A/N: Who wants to have breakfast in bed with Harry? Raise your hand! 🙋🏼🙋🏻🙋🏽🙋🏾

(And I know my pervy friends will say they'd rather do something else with Harry in bed, but I can't judge...I'd say the same thing!) 🌚🍆💦

Next chapter is Bea's POV...😏

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Much Love.

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