Chapter 28 - Sexy Walrus

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A/N: Ima give a shout out to ohiogooniegirl & picturesque21
You two know why. 😉
Love you girls! 😘

***Harry's POV

Bea scared the shit out of me this morning.

I'm used to her rare panic attacks and having to coach her into breathing properly again. What I'm not used to is seeing my wife so terrified and irate that her eyes actually darken.

Bea has called me a few choice names in our nine years of being together, but she's never called me a bastard and she's never bloody hit me.

At least I know my girl has a mean right hook.

So because of my wife's nightmare, I sat up in bed to watch over my family in the early morning hours like I told her I would. Thankfully, I didn't have to wait long until Bea fell asleep and that's when I put Sebastian in the bassinet.

Despite those intense twenty minutes, I managed to get some sleep for today, with Seb only waking us up two more times, bless his hungry little heart.

It's already half past seven on this rainy Monday morning and other than spending time with my beautiful family, I hope to get a doctor's appointment for Seb.

His spitting up and non-stop crying have gotten worse over the last couple of days and I'm not going to risk waiting until Thursday for his one-week check-up.

While I hate to admit it, I think something's wrong with him. I haven't breathed a word of my concern to Bea because I don't want to add to her worry.

If there's one thing I've learned over the past five years, it's that being a husband and father is bloody hard work.

But I wouldn't trade it for the world.

Right now, my hard work is being paid off while I cuddle with Ferris and listen to Bea and Seb snore. I can't help but smile at my daughter as she watches her purple friend on my phone and I lean down to kiss her head.

You and your brother better buy me and your mum a nice condo in Florida for this.

"I can hear it," Bea mumbles and my eyes shoot straight to her closed ones.

"Sorry, Love," I chuckle as I turn down the volume, earning a whine from Ferris.

"No, Dadda!" Ferris hits my arm and looks up at me with a scowl.

"Ferris," I warn, gently taking her hand, "no hitting, please. It's not nice."

I kiss her hand while I try to come up with something to get her mind off of being mad, but there's no need. Seb has decided to sing us his lovely wake-up song.

"I'll change him," I offer to Bea as I get out of bed. "Then do you want to feed him?"

"Yeah," Bea nods, making eye contact with me and she gives me a look before turning her attention to Ferris.

That was weird. Something's wrong.

"Are you okay, Love?" I ask as I walk over to the bassinet and she hums in answer. I reach to pick up Seb, but I have to wipe off his mouth and chin first. "It's okay, little guy," I coo as I gently pick him up and I kiss his forehead. "We'll be right back, Bea."

She mutters a 'kay,' keeping her eyes on Ferris and I find it odd that she won't look at me.

Is she still mad at me from her dream? I shouldn't be held accountable for what Dreamland Harry does. We need to talk about this.

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