Chapter 4

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An: it didn't post chapter two so go back and read it, then three and then this one it will make better sense

Connie looked in her car mirror, the bruise shown through with a lot of swelling. All the talk in there she couldn't, it would be too much for her. She turned the engine back on when there was a knock on her window she looked. It was Jacob, he stared at her noticing the bruise it all clicked, the numbers the rules everything. With out asking he got into the passengers side, "Drive." He smiled "You have work." He shrugged "Drive... must be some perks to being friends with the boss?" She didn't reply, she just drove with his directions.

They arrived outside a block of flats, they weren't posh but the were not run down. He hoped out and Grabbed a sleeping Grace, Connie stayed still she'd known this man just over forty-eight hours and now she was going to expect his help. She got out anyway "Jacob are you sure this is okay? You hardly know me." "I couldn't care if I'd known you five seconds this is wrong and you need help."

Connie followed him into his flat which was luckily on the ground floor. He placed Grace down in him room, even though there was a spare.

"Like a drink?" He smiled, she shook her head. He came and sat down not knowing how she would react if he got too close, her phone rang "Jacob I should really go." "Is it him?" "That doesn't matter... me running away he knows where I work." "He won't hurt you there." "No but he will wait for me to leave." "Look I won't make you stay but, what he has done... it could turn out worse." He sighed. Connie looked down "Why do you care so much?" "Because you don't deserve any of this." Connie looked and stood up, he was waiting for her to get Grace and leave but, she stayed still as her phone rang. She watched as she let it ring out, she switched it off. She thought, he watched her.

"Um... Could you get Graces things from my car." She asked quietly, "Yeah course, do you have anything?" She shook her head, he nodded "Would you like a bath?" "No thank you." He nodded and went to get the things.

He walked in and placed the bag down. "I'll get you something to change into." He smiled, Connie waited. He walked back in and passed a t-shirt to her "Sorry it's all I have. It was big on me so I suppose it will be huge on on you." "It's fine, thank you." He nodded and sat down on the other sofa. She removed her shoes and coat, followed by her shirt Jacob quickly turned away. She sighed "I need you too look at them."

He came over and looked at her back which was full of bruises and cuts, how could he treat her like this was all that ran through his head. He studied her arms nothing the grip marks, he didnt know what to say. She quickly pulled the T-shirt on, she gracefully removed her pants folding them along with her shirt.

Jacob went and sat back down, she looked over before moving to join him "You won't hurt me right?" He shook his head in an instant "Never." She nodded and hugged him cautiously. He held her gently "I'm not hurting you?" "My backs numb it won't hurt." He sighed, he wished he would have figured it sooner. They sat there in a comfortable silence for a while.

"Mummy..." Grace stood in the door way, sleepy and confused. Connie walked over to her "Where are we?" She rubbed her eyes, "At Jacobs." Grace nodded as she rembered him from a couple of days ago. She peered around her mum to see him, "Won't Cal be mad?" "You don't need to worry about that baby." She smiled, "Can I sit with you?" "It's passed your bedtime." Grace sighed a little, causing Jacob to giggle. She was just like her mum, "Well, it's my house so it's my rules... I think you can stay up." He smiled, Connie looked at him as Grace came to sit with him, he smiled sheepishly hoping she wouldn't be mad.

She went to the bathroom, "Hey... Firecracker want a biscuit?" He smiled, she grinned "Please." He laughed and carried her to the kitchen, "So who is this?" He questioned as he pointed to the bunny "Bunny." She smiled  as Jacob handed her a digestive. He nodded, as connie walked in "Not only, is she allowed to stay up late but, she can now get hyped on food?" Connie glared "Sorry sweetcheeks." She burst out laughing which made him frown, "I was joking." He shook his head smiling "Want one?" He smiled, "Only if there is tea too." He switched the kettle on "There will be." She smiled

The three watched tv till Grace fell asleep, Jacob carried her into the spare room. "You can sleep in here." He smiled as he shown her to his room, "Where will you sleep?" "The sofa." She shook her head "I'll sleep with Grace." "Connie it's a single bed, just sleep in here." He smiled, she nodded "Can you sit with me for a little bit?" He nodded.

Connie got under the sheets while Jacob sat on one side, "I'm taking the day off tomorrow." He smiled "Why?" "To look after you and no you are not going in." She raised an eyebrow, who was he bossing around he was different to Cal. "Nurses orders." He added, Connie smiled. "Jacob..." "Sweetcheeks?" "If you are off tomorrow can you come with me back to the house to get somethings? He's out all day. I've text him saying I got called into work so he won't suspect anything yet." Jacob nodded "Course." "And to look at houses after." He raised an eyebrow "Connie you can stay as long as you like." "I wouldn't want to impose." "You aren't." He smiled "This is a flat when I say get a few things I mean everything that's mine and Graces." He shrugged "I'll find space." She smiled at his kindness, "Do you really want kids things everywhere?" He shrugged "Why not, that room was just sitting there anyway." He smiled

Connie lay down, he went to leave "Jacob." He turned round "Yeah." "Stay with me?" She smiled, "Connie it's fine." "No I want you too, I know you won't hurt me." He smiled as he stripped to his boxers "Want me to put some clothes on?" She shook her head "It's fine you don't have too." She smiled a little, he nodded and climbed into bed, she turned to face him "Thank you for all this... I don't know how to thank you." He smiled "You don't need to." She rested her head on his chest as he moved his hands around her. She instantly felt safe and comfortable with him, which made her feel weird she never trusted anyone streight away but, here she was.

She closed her eyes as he placed a gentle kiss to her forehead, which made her smiled. She soon fell asleep, as did he.

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