Chapter 49

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They walked back into the house after their two days away, the house looked impeccable and highly quiet. "Grace, Ivie! Nadia?" Connie called. Soon after they heard giggles coming from the kitchen, They walked in to find they girls stood next to a cake along with a card. "It was their Idea I just helped... I best be off." Nadia smiled, Jacob shown Nadia out paying her before retuning to them.

"What's all this?" Connie smiled, "Well see I don't really understand what an anniversary is, even after Googling it, but I learnt it's a big deal. Especially five years so me and Ivie wanted to make it special... although I wrote the card and she mainly just ate everything." Grace smiled, "No I didn't... okay maybe a little." Ivie smiled. Connie came and hugged them "Thank you." She kissed the top of their heads making them smile. Jacob opened the card it simply read happy anniversary we love you lots and lots Grace Ivie xxxxx xxxxx

Both read the card and smiled, before cutting the cake. They all sat and ate, "Grace you said you would ask now." Ivie whispered, "Not yet." Grace whispered back, Connie raised and eyebrow "What are you two plotting?" Grace looked up, guilt written all over her face "Nothing... why would we be planning anything." "Grace I know that face." "I said nothing mum." Connie stared, Ivie elbowed Grace making her look. "Tell her or she will get really mad." "She won't get mad." Grace laughed before seeing the serious look on Connie's face. "Fine... Emily's dog has had puppies and she needs to get rid of them... can we have one pleaseeee!" "Please mummy!" Both girls begged. "We will see." Connie smiled "Better than a no." Grace laughed before going upstairs followed by Ivie.

"A dog? Seriously you and dog doesn't go in the same sentence let alone house." Jacob laughed, "I never said yes did I?" She smiled. She stood behind him running her finger tips back and forth through his short hair, he smiled and lent his head back. "What you thinking?" Connie shrugged "Nothing." She smiled before kissing him, "I'm really not feeling this night shift." He sighed, "Me either but, we will have eachother to get through it... Anyway your the one with the office." She looked, "That you can use whenever you like." "I'll bare that in mind." She smirked, he laughed and kissed her again. "So about this whole dog thing, what is you actual answer?" "Did you know?" She glared, "I wouldn't say  I knew but... yeah I kind of knew but I didn't think they would actually ask." She shook her head, "I don't believe you lot, planning things without me-" "I never said yes, I said ask your mother... I'm not the boss around here." He laughed before pulling her onto his lap. "Jacob a dogs a big commitment and we aren't going to be here all the time." "Yeah but, think of how happy the girls will be." He smiled "Think of all the mess." "I'll clean it up." She looked at him, "You really want one don't you-" "You haven't seen them... they are seriously cute Con." "A newborn and a puppy, are you trying to end me?" "Course not sweetcheeks... I'll let you think about it." He laughed, she smiled "I'll think about it." She repeated.


They both walked into the ED, going streight to their lockers. It was pretty quiet, Jacob sat at a computer, Connie walked out a cubical sighing. She looked over to see Jacob, she walked over and sat on his knee taking him by surprise. "What's wrong?" He questioned, moving a stray strand of hair from her face. "This place. Do people not understand when you are trying to help them?" "Probably not these days." She lent her head into his chest, "I just want to go home." "Me too." He sighed, moving his arms around her, "I also want chips... really badly... like I would kill someone for chips." He laughed "We can get some one the way home." Connie nodded, "What are you doing anyway?" "Waiting to be needed." He smiled.

She rolled her eyes as the patients partner she had been treating came over. "Why are we still waiting?" The man looked, "Because bloods don't just come back in minutes." She snapped, "Hey Con calm it." He smiled, she sighed "I am." "Really?" He frowned "What?" She she looked "Don't lie to me. You know you can't so why bother." He laughed, "I said I'm fine." "Sorry to break this up but, what are you actually doing to help my girlfriend?" The man looked, "Nothing yet because her bloods aren't back." "I want another doctor." "My pleasure." She smiled sarcastically before calling lily over.

"Don't do that again Jacob." She looked at him, "Sorry sweetcheeks." She nodded "How long till I get my Chips?" "A few hours. Now come on let's work." He smiled she sighed and stood up. They managed to get through a few patients without bickering, which came as a shock to the pair.

"Staff Nurse Masters, I said urine too." She sighed, "I know. Let me finish this." He smiled, Connie rolled her eyes. "Jacob seriously what are you doing other than faffing around?" "Connie, I'm glueing the head laceration give me two seconds." He sighed, the patient sat laughing at the pair, "You call that glueing?" "Connie breath." He looked at her, "I am breathing." She looked at him before checking the notes again, "Jacob I really need the urine test doing." She sighed, "Connie I said two second!" He snapped, she looked up as the tears formed in the corners of her eye. He sighed and quickly finished up before coming over to her. "Con, I'm sorry." He went to hug her but, she pulled away "Don't... I need the urine doing." She sighed, "I'll get David too... Connie what's wrong? Because me snapping never makes you cry." She eventually gave in and hugged him, "I'm just tired and I really want chips and my bed. Tonight's taking forever and I'm hungry but all I want is chips and it seems hours away till I get them and then you yelled at me and I just want to do my job but I really want my bed-" She sobbed, Jacob tried to contain  his laugh. "The Hormones are really kicking in aren't they Sweetcheeks?" She nodded as she tried to stop crying. The patient now in hysterics noticed Jacob look at him, he stopped laughing and nodded.

They managed to finish there shift, Jacob drove "I'll just go and get you some chips." He smiled pulling up out the take away, "I don't want them now." He frowned "Really? Are you joking me." "No im not. But I would like some crisps." She smiled, "I don't believe you." He laughed, luckily there was a corner shop next to the take away, he hopped out and went to get her some. He came back a few minutes later "Maybe I could do some chips..." "Connie are you being serious? I'm about to beat you up." He laughed, but Connie didn't "I was joking and that's really not funny Jacob." She sighed turning to face the window. He rubbed her arm but she pushed it away "Connie I was joking you know I would never do that." "Why say it Jacob... it really isn't a joke and I don't find it funny at all." "Con, I'm so sorry. That was really insensitive of me I just didn't think." He sighed, She looked over "Maybe think next time then." She snapped wiping her eyes.

When they got back to the house Connie went up to their bedroom without speaking to him, He decied it was best to sleep downstairs. After an hour Connie came down, she sighed seeing him asleep on the couch. She grabbed a blanket and threw it over him and herself as she lay next to him. He rubbed his eyes and frowned seeing her, "I didn't think you'd want to see me." "If I didn't want to see you I'd have threw you out... I may have over reacted just a tad." He shook his head "No what I said was out of order... I'm sorry." She nodded "I'm sorry too... Can we go to bed this couch isn't big enough." He nodded and sat up, as did she. "Jacob for the record, I'd know you'd never hurt me... I was just frustrated that you said it." "I am sorry." He looked at her, she kissed him gently, "I know." She smiled before they both went up to bed. "Night Muscles." "Night sweetcheeks... I am really sorry-" "Shut up and sleep I get it you're sorry." She smiled and kissed him, "I love you Sweetcheeks." "I love you too now shut up so I can sleep." She sighed making him laugh, "Jacob... stop." "Sorry." He whispered before they both fell asleep.

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