Chapter 48

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Jacob lay awake, he looked around the hotel room before looking back to a sleeping Connie. He thought about the previous night and everything that everyone said, he smiled and placed a gentle kiss on the top of her head before grabbing his phone. He looked through the photos they had taken over the years, he noticed how both girls had changed and grown which made him smile. Connie began to stir, he looked over as she looked up "Morning." She smiled before yawning, "Morning Beautiful." He smiled "So what are we doing today?" "Anything you want to although we are going for dinner." He smiled, Connie nodded and turned in her front. "Five years ago yesterday you played tea party with Grace." She smiled, he laughed as he remembered, "Five years ago yesterday we kissed for the first time." She smiled and kissed him.

"Do we have to do anything?" She looked "No we could stay here till dinner." He smiled tucking her hair behind her ear, "I'd like that." She smiled. "I promised we'd phone the girls anyway." Connie nodded and grabbed her robe pulling it over her slim fame. Jacob watched her walk to the bathroom, he eventually heard water running. Her head popped around the door "Joing me?" She smirked he instantly jumped out of bed to the bathroom making Connie laugh.

After their bath they got back into bed, "Listen." Connie smiled, "I can't hear anything." He burrowed his brows at her "My point exactly." He laughed, "You hungry?" Connie nodded, he grabbed the menu and passed it her. After they had picked Jacob phoned up "Make sure they send extra tomatoes." Connie smiled, Jacob laughed "Extra tomatoes please." He added before ending and coming to join her.

"This is nice." She smiled as she lay back, "What is?" "This, lying in with you. We don't get to do it much anymore." "Can say that again." He laughed, Jacob put the tv on as connie curled up into his side. "I love you so much... I don't want you to ever think that I don't." "I love you so much more sweetcheeks." Connie smiled as he kissed her head. "Jacob..." "Connie..." He looked at her, "Do you want anymore children?" "I don't know... I'm happy with the girls and the one on the way but, if you got pregnant again or you wanted another I wouldn't be sad... why are you asking?" She shrugged, "Just interested." She smiled, he nodded. Their food soon came and the pair ate while watching tv.


"Mummy!!" The girls squeeled
Connie smiled "Are you two being good?"
"Are we ever bad?" Grace laughed
"Mummy can we get-" "Ivie shut up."
Jacob came up behind her just visible to the camera "Hey you two."
"Hi dad." "Hey daddy."
"What are you doing tonight?"
"We built a den in my room so we will probably sleep there, can we watch TV later?" Grace smiled "Please..." Ivie begged
"Not to late but yes." Connie smiled
"Okay, bye! Love you have a good night." "Good night mummy and daddy I love you."
"Night we love you too." They both smiled before the call ended.

"Masters, are you done you take longer than me-" "Sweetcheeks you have been getting ready since four, it's now six I think we know who take the longest." He laughed, she came and punched his arm. She turned to walk away but he pulled her back moving his arms around the small of her back "Think you are going to get away with that one?" He raised his eyebrow with a smirk upon his lips, "Maybe." She smiled, he laughed and kissed her "Now, I'm ready." He smiled.

They decided to walk to the Italian restaurant as it was not too far from the hotel. They were guided to their seats, they both glanced at the menu and ordered their drinks, after they had both settled on their meal they waited for it to be brought through. Connie fiddled with the straw in her coke, "Sweetcheeks?" She looked up "Yeah." "You okay?" "Yeah are you?" "Honestly?" He smiled, "Honestly... it's just sometimes I still question why you chose to settle down with me." He laughed making her frowned "Settle down it the wrong choice of words, I can't say we 'settled down' we have a family Con, a life together... Beyonce could walk past right now and kiss me, because who wouldn't. But would I want to be with her over you? No I wouldn't she probably doesn't have the heart you have... you are the only person I can see myself with and you need to stop putting yourself down." She nodded and wiped the tear that fell, "Your an idiot." She laughed, "Why?" "Me over Beyonce? And you'd pick me, I don't think you are normal." He laughed and laced there fingers "I mean it though. No one else will do." She smiled at him "Now stop being so Connie and doubting everything... just enjoy tonight-" "I am enjoying it."  "Well then continue." He smiled and fiddled with the he ring in her finger, "Are you okay?" "Me?" "No..." She replied sarcastically, he laughed "I'm perfectly fine, I just can't wait for it two be two rings." She smiled "About that..." "You don't want to get married do you?" He panicked, "Jacob shut up and let me finish." He nodded "Rings, obviously I'll end up with two but will you be wearing one?" "Do you want me too?" "I don't mind." She smiled, "I'd like to wear one." "Then wear one also do me a favour." He nodded "Anything." "Stop jumping to conclusions... especially stupid ones." He pulled a face, "You too." He laughed She smiled as the food came over.

After the meal the pair made their way back to the hotel, "By the way you look stunning." "Why thank you." She laughed "You don't look to bad yourself." She added. "What do you want to do tonight?" "Sleep..." He nodded "With a little fun." She smirked pulling him by the tie into the room. He laughed "Never fail to surprise me." She laughed before kissing him.

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