Chapter 64

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"Alright Connie, Jacob." The man smiled, "We are going to be doing an AOAE, automated otoacoustic emissions test on Noah, now it takes just a few minutes. A small soft-tipped earpiece will be placed in Noah's ear and gentle clicking sound will be played. When an ear receives sound, the inner part,cochlea,responds. This will then be picked up by the screening equipment. Then we will do the other slightly longer test as this one may not be accurate but, we will only do that if there is concerns." Both nodded. "Alright just pop him down here." He smiled, Connie placed him down in the crib liked bed.

Jacob held her hand as they watched the test be carried out, things with Noah in the past few weeks had improved he had now begun to roll however, there were still no signs of him smiling or even beginning to babble. "Alright, I don't want to alarm you. Like I said this specific test can sometimes be incorrect so we are going to run the test on little Noah here." Connie sighed squeezing Jacob's hand tighter, "Now I'll quickly explain this one, this is the automated auditory brainstem response, AABR, test. Sounds scary, can look scary but I promise it's not and won't harm him in anyway, I'll place three small sensors on your baby's head and neck. Then Soft headphones over your his ears and gentle clicking sounds are played. This one can take anything from 5 to 15." All Connie could do was nod.

"Jacob, somethings wrong." She whispered as the audiologist began placing the things on Noah, "How do you know?" "The other tests is only incorrect, if he was unsettled, background noise or he has fluid or temporary blockage in the ears which he doesn't." She sighed sitting herself forward, "Hey like I said, he's our Noah and he's perfect." "Yeah I know it's just I wish this guy wasn't so patronising. Just be honest." They sat in silence through out the next test which did in fact run for fifteen minutes.

"Alright you can take him back." He smiled, Jacob stood up taking him, the man began to type up somethings. "How old is he again?" "Thirteen weeks." Connie spoke, he nodded and typed again. Jacob sat Noah on his lap, holding him upright, the infant moved his head looking at his mum. She smiled at him before gently squeezing his cheeks with her index finger and thumb, he continued to look as she pulled faces. A smile began to form on his face as he gripped the shoes on his feet, Connie looked at Jacob "Did he just smile?" She questioned, "Yeah... I'm pretty certain." He looked. The audiologist, listened into their conversation. Connie did it again, this time Noah smiled with a loud giggle making both Connie and Jacob laugh.

"Alright, even though in the last five minutes we have had some developments, Noah didn't show clear responses to either test. So we are going to make another appointment, you will get a letter this week and you will be called back within a week." Both nodded before placing Noah in the Pram, the quickly thanked the man and walked out back to the car.

Jacob looked over at Connie nothing her cry, he pulled her into his side "Hey Sweetcheeks what's wrong?" He questioned soothingly as he stopped, she wrapped her arms around him "You don't get it... I thought I'd been doing something wrong with him, that's why he was behind or not laughing or smiling. Just to see him smile and then hear him laugh is enough to make me happy, just to know I'm not doing something wrong with him." She sobbed, he sighed and rubbed her back kissing her head gently "Oh, Sweetcheeks. Course you aren't doing anything wrong... what could you have done worng?" He looked as she looked up, "I don't know but, when you are being told you child is behind you can't help but blame yourself." "I promise you whole heartedly none of this is your fault." She nodded and wiped her cheeks.

They continued to walk, "Anyway I read somewhere that the third child finishes you off, makes you not want anymore. This one enjoys making mummy cry." Connie laughed, Noah began to suck his fist "Does he need a bottle?" Jacob looked "No, he was doing this on me the other day." She sighed as she routed through her change bag, pulling out a dummy and placing it in Noah's mouth.

"You alright?" Connie nodded, as he drove "Are you?" Jacob nodded "Course I am... what about this next appointment?" Connie sighed, "If there wasn't something wrong we wouldn't be going back, best case he's is profoundly deaf in one ear worse case he is profoundly deaf... and honestly is just a communication barrier everything else will be fine." She smiled, Jacob smiled, "So that's what was getting you down not the fact he might be deaf, the fact he wasn't laughing and that so you was blaming yourself?" "I suppose." She sighed, he rubbed her thigh.

They arrived back home, Connie placed Noah under the play mat while Jacob let Sid out. "I'm just phoning Charlie." Connie smiled as she pulled her phone out "No problem. "Alright Sweetcheeks." Connie smiled and rang Charlie,
"Hello. Connie how did it go?"
"Well he's at least partially deaf."
"How do you know?"
"Both tests didn't have 'clear' results and we are being referred back."
Charlie sighed
"Although he giggled today." Connie's voice became slightly happier
"Well that's a good thing." Charlie replied
"Yeah, it really is."
"When's the appointment?"
"Unknown as of yet waiting for a letter... how are you anyway?"
"Good. Great actually."
Connie smirked up at Jacob making I'm frown, "Is it because of something or someone is particular?"
"I have no clue what you are on about?" Charlie protested
"Course you don't." She laughed
"Are you coming in tomorrow?"
"Well I'll see you whenever. Everything with be fine."
"Yeah, I know. See you whenever."

"He's seeing Duffy." Connie looked as she put the phone down, "Really?" Jacob looked, "Oh yes really." "Well as long as he is happy-" "I'm not complaining it just made me laugh that he tried to deny it." She chuckled as did Jacob. She came and hugged him, "Sorry for being a pain-" "Sweetcheeks shut up, no you haven't Alright." He kissed her head, "Fine I'll shut up." She laughed, "Good." He smiled

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