Chapter 56

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"Connie, I need to ask you this... have you ever thought of suicide?" The woman looked, Connie shook her head "No! Never, I have my children and Jacob to think about." "What if you weren't pregnant?" "I don't know... I couldn't kill myself. Could I? Oh I don't know, I just want to get better." She sighed. "Well we can prescribe-" "No, I'm not depressed I just need someone who knows hardly anything about me to talk to... you know, when life gets tough. I don't want tablets I just want someone other than Jacob to tell all that to." The woman jotted somethings down, making Connie anxious "Ever self harmed?" "Well it depends, to myself no but, stuck around in a violent relationship then yeah." She spat, "So that's a no." The woman smiled.

After the session was over Connie got in the her car, which she barely used. She glared at the time as she started the engine. She checked her phone noticing multiple texts from Jacob, she sighed placing it in a cup holder before driving off. She grabbed some food and sat in the car park of the shop she had previously been. He phone began to ring, "Jacob..." She sighed letting it ring. She listened to the voicemail, "Hey Con, I hope it went well. Wrong choice of words... I hope you are okay, if you want space please just text me to let me know you are okay. I love you, see you soon." She decided not to respond. Instead she finished eating before driving back home.

She entered a very quiet house, almost unrecognisable to the usual chaos. The dog began to bark as she entered the kitchen, she smiled down before opening the back door allowing the dog to run around. She dashed upstairs removing her work clothes and grabbing a pair of silk shorts, a vest and one of Jacobs huddies that fell to her lower thigh. She pulled her air up into a messy bun before removing her make up, she came back down picking up her phone and calling in sick.

She quickly phoned Jacob, who this time didn't answer so she left a voicemail,
"Jay, I'm fine. I just need time to think over what was said, so I'm back home. I'll see you when you get back or if you are free call me, sorry I only just called back I was eating. You don't come between me and food especially not a pregnant me and food, then I was driving and yeah you get the picture. I love you too, see you in a while." She placed the phone down before scanning the cupboards, the girls were sleeping at friends tonight and Connie knew she had been slightly akward with Jacob so she planned to make it up.

After grabbing all the ingredients she covered them leaving them for later. She grabbed some ice cream out the freezer along with a spoon, she called Sid in making sure to shut the door. She grabbed a blanket throwing it over her, Sid jumped up and lay behind her legs as she watched tv and ate some ice cream.


"Con?" Jacob smiled as he walked back through through the door, "One second!" She called from the kitchen, he inhaled smelling the food. Connie came over with a glass of red wine, he smiled talking it. "What's all this?" He smiled, "Well, let's say it's a thank you and a sorry rolled into one. Along with the fact I just love you." She smiled taking his coat. He smiled following her into the kitchen, "Can I ask or do you not want to go there?" Jacob smiled as he took a sip, "Well, Alright I suppose but can we please not dwell on it and have just one good night this week." She smiled, "Alright... although we always have good nights." "Yeah well I've gone to all this trouble-" "I got you." He smiled

After a lovely meal sat around the table, which was in fact candle lit, Connie led Jacob to the pool. She pulled the flowing dress, she had on, off reveling herself in a simple black bikini, he smiled as he noticed how perfect her bump was. He quickly changed into the swim shorts she had left out for him before joining her in. She swam over to him wrapping her legs around his waist, her arms following around his neck. He smiled as his arms moved around her back. She kissed him gently, they rested their foreheads against eachother. Connie smiled, "I'm sorry for how I've been recently and I know you will say it's fine but, it has to be slightly frustrating. Especially after everything being fine and then it goes worse to how it ever was." "I don't want you to ever apologise. It's not frustrating I just wish you wouldn't worry about worrying me." He smiled  she smiled back and cupped his cheeks before kissing him, nothing long but, meaningful. "I love you so much and I don't want to lose you." "Sweetcheeks I promise you that will never happen and I love you so much more." She nodded as he kissed her head before gently splashing her "What was that for?!" He laughed as she splashed him back.

"It's been a while since you have been that loud." He chuckled while she caught her breath, she gently hit his chest making him laugh more. "Am I good or am I good." He smirked, she pulled a face "Whatever helps you sleep at night." She laughed before moving her naked body over to his. She gently traced his tattoo as she watched his chest rise. Jacob smiled watching her before feeling something kick him ever so slightly in his side. "Jacob." "Connie." "Have a word with your son." She smiled, he laughed "That's what is was... Anyway, we may have woken him." She bit her lip as she shook her head, he smiled and kissed her head "What time are the girls home?" "Eleven." "A lie in too, now we are being spoiled." He laughed, as did she. They shared one more passionate kiss before falling fast asleep.

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