Chapter 5

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Connie woke, to the sound of giggles that filled the flat. She smiled as she pulled herself out of the bed, she knew today would be painful and it was worse than she expected. She quietly joined the pair who sat eating toast in the living room, Jacob glanced  up at her. She forced a smile which for some reason he saw right through. He stood up leaving Grace eating, while watching tv, he walked into the kitchen where Connie followed.

"So no one else knows?" Connie shook her head, "Why tell me?" He smiled as he turned the kettle on. "I trust you... yes I trust Charlie or Elliot or even Sam. But they know me too well and  would ask five thousand questions about why I let it get so bad or why I didn't walk away or why I'm not telling anyone." She sighed, as a few tears escaped, he enveloped her in a hug "Hey don't cry, I just thought I'd be the last person you would want to tell." She shook her head "You was nice enough to sit and play with my daughter and you knocked Sam down a peg or two." He let out a little laugh, "Tea?" She nodded.

Connie helped Grace get dressed into the clothes she had brought. "Are we moving in with Jacob?" Grace smiled as she watched her mum, "I suppose." She smiled back, "I like him... he's funny." "Good." She smiled as she brushed her daughters curly hair, which she knew was utterly pointless. "What about Cal?" Connie knelt down to Graces level "You won't be seeing him again." Grace nodded "Okay. He's not as fun as Jacob anyway... or as nice." Connie smiled as she went to get herself ready.


They were sorting through everything, in Graces room. They chose to take Jacobs car as it was was bigger, A white range rover sport. "Can I take these?" She grabbed her fairy lights that hung on her bed "Sure Firecracker." Grace smiled as she loaded them in the box. They put all Graces things in the car which took up most of the room. Jacob helped her gather all her photos from the loft and Graces baby things. She grabbed her essentials along with her clothes. "That it sweetcheeks?" "I think so." She smiled, "Mummy, Mummy, Mummy." "What?" Connie smiled, "You nearly forgot these." Grace smiled handing her a hand full of her own drawings. Connie smiled as she took them "How could I forget."

"Sweetcheeks what's this?" Jacob smiled as he lifted a box from Cal's side of the bed, Connie sighed "I don't want to look at it." Jacob nodded without questioning, she wrote a note quickly,
I loved you at one point and I'm sure you loved me but, I can't love you. You say it's my fault but, I don't know what I do or did for all this to happen. Please don't contact me. Don't make it harder, if you do I will have to get the police involved. Sorry it had to end this way but for once this wasn't my fault.


The ride home was pretty cramped, not that they were complaining, they drove in a comfortable silence, Connie ran her finger round his thigh absentmindly. He smiled as she did, he knew that she wouldn't want a relationship right now but, he planned to keep her safe.

They brought all the things into the flat, they stared with Grace's things. "Where shall this go?" He smiled at the young girl, "Hmmm... the doll house. I think here." She walked to the corner of the room, Connie put the books on the empty shelf, they made Graces room look like hers best they could. They left her to play, while they sorted Connie's things.

"Jacob this feels like I'm taking over your home." "Stop it. I said you could end of." She nodded. He made space in the wardrobe for her things which had been cleaned out when they got them. They soon finished, Connie went to make a glass of water when she noticed Jacob had put all Grace's drawings on the fridge. She smiled but her trance was soon broke to a knock on the door.

Jacob answered "Jacob!" Lofty and Max called in unison, he smiled awkwardly "Hey... why are you here?" "Can we not see our friend?" Max stared blankly, "I'm just busy." "Well stop being busy." He replied. Grace totted over "Jacob, why are they shouting you?" She looked at him, "Don't worry Firecracker, you go ans play." He smiled, "Wait... isn't that Beauchamps kid?" Max studied the girls face, "Yeah it is." Lofty added.

"You and Beauchamp? She's here now isn't she? Oh mate the amount of people who would love to be In your position." Max teased "Isn't she with that Cal guy?" Lofty questioned "Max shut up you pleb, no we aren't. And that answers your question as best I Need to lofty." "So why have you got her kid?" Max frowned "Does that matter really." "Well let us in." Max smiled, "No."

Connie watched from the kitchen, she sighed and walked to Jacob "Let them in. I have nothing to hide." She smiled, as she picked Grace up. "Liar." Max laughed "It's not like that." Jacob sighed as he moved aside to allow them through. Connie watched them enter as she walked to Graces room she lay with her till she fell asleep.

"So what's happening because she's in your house." Max smiled "She lives here." "Your flat is two room." "Well she's staying here that all you need to know drop it okay!" "Chill Jesus." Max sighed "Sorry but, she doesn't need all the questions okay... if you breath a word to this to anyone I swear I will kill you." He added, Connie came back through. The room went silent she rolled her eyes, "If you must know why I'm here, it's because my now ex beat me and Jacobs helping me." She added bluntly before walking to the bedroom, "Shit." Max looked at Jacob, "Well done. I told you to shut up and leave but you couldn't could you." "Jacob we are sorry." Lofty added as he stood up clipping Max's head "Come on." "Ow!" He rubbed it as he stood up, "Sorry Jacob we won't tell anyone." "Yeah you best not." They left.

He stood outside the locked door, hearing her crying it broke his heart. He walked in he looked, her knees were up to her chest as she sobbed into them. He joined her on the bed, she felt his body heat, she flung her arms round him as she continued to cry. He held her till she stopped "Sorry." She whispered as she stopped "You don't need to be, after everything that's happened. I haven't seen you cry, sometimes that's all you need." He kissed her forehead.

She smiled and looked up "Jacob..." "Hmmm.." "I think... I think I love you." She stuttered "I love you too. But you need time to think about yourself. I'll wait Con, you are important." Connie nodded and kissed his cheek, he smiled as she did.

At least they were on similar wave lengths now. It wasn't a guessing game.

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