Chapter 31

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Bye the time they had landed and in bed it was roughly, it was around midnight. Connie lay looking up at the ceiling, it hit her. She'd be meeting his mother, in less than eleven hours. She sighed as she quietly got out of bed pulling the silk robe around her and fastening the belt, which sat upon her bump. She walked down stairs to the pool, they lights turned in as she walked in, the water glistened and shook as she placed her bare feet into it, sitting on the side, she splashed her legs around just wishing to be back in Spain. She smiled as the usual midnight kicking occurred, "You want to be back too." She smiled down, "Ugh, daddy wants mummy to fight Hanssen and Elle but, the truth is I don't have the energy anymore... I'm not some woman on a mission, I'm a mum and a partner. I'm happy with that, I love my job and I have no plans to leave but, I also have no plans to fight and change things. I've lost the fire for that-" She felt a sharp kick "Is that I need to shut up again." She laughed rubbing her stomach. She sat there for a while longer, "You know, I love our late night chats... I think that's one thing I'll miss." She smiled before going back to bed almost and hour after leaving it.


"Grace, stop it." Connie looked at her as she fiddled with the markers, "Grace! You will them on your dress, you can play with them later." Connie removed them away from her, "Connie calm it." He looked at her,"I am calm I just don't want makers all over her white dress." She sighed walking into the kitchen, he followed closely. "Con, please." "Please what Jacob?!" She snapped, he sighed walking closer "Please, my mum isn't going to care." He smiled, "Well I do. And I have a lot more going on than your mum worrying." She sighed "Well tell me." She looked at him "It's just this at work. I don't want to fight Jacob, I just want to work and be your partner, I'm not up for fighting." He hugged her "So that's why you got up last night." She nodded "You knew?" "I know you get up every night, I'm not an idiot. Plus I can't feel you we have I turn and then I know." She smiled up at him as he kissed her head. Connie walked back in the room picking up the few toys scattered on the floor, "Connie sit down and leave it." He smiled. She nodded and joined him, while Grace played on the Ipad.

A knock came through the door, Connie slowly pulled herself away as he stood up. He answered the door "Jacob!" The woman cheered as she pulled her son into a hug. He smiled "Mother." He chuckled, she pulled away keeping her hands on his shoulders, "Well isn't this place nice." He nodded with a smile "Well come through its cold outside." She nodded as slipped past Jacob as he shut the door. He followed behind her as they walked into the living room, Grace still having her head engrossed in the pad. His mother looked around, "Mum this is Connie... Connie this is My mother." He smiled as the pair exchanged hands. "Call me Casandra... Jacob. You never mentioned the pregnancy." She looked up at her son, "Thats because mother I have work and everytime I called you were busy so I thought I'll just tell you when you come down." He laughed, Connie smiled as she went over to Grace.  "Gracie, Can you put that down now please." Grace sighed as she locked it. Connie smiled, As she took a seat. Grace looked at the woman, before sitting with her mum. Jacob sat on the other sofa with his mum.

"So, Connie where do you work?" Casandra smiled, "Holby with Jacob." She smiled "Oh." She smiled back. Grace watched, "Can I go in the pool?" Grace smiled, "Later baby." Connie smiled running her fingers through her hair, Grace nodded. Grace came over and sat on Jacobs lap, "Hey Firecracker." He smiled, "Will you play later... Mummy's been weird all day." She sighed "Course I will." He smiled, Grace nodded. "So, how did you two end up here." Casandra smiled, Connie looked down "Um..." "Mum. Stop with the questions." Jacob sighed, "No no. It's fine." Connie smiled, Grace looked at the woman, who looked back. "Mummy met Daddy at work and he played with me when my other Daddy and Mummy shouted then we left. Then a few days later Mummy ran away from Cal but, we don't talk about it because it makes Mummy upset. Then Daddy said we could live with him but, he was Mummy's friend then. Then I got worried because Cal would be mad but, Daddy and Mummy said it was okay. And then Nadia was ill and couldn't look after me so I came to their work and I heard people talking saying that Cal beat Mummy which is silly because daddy beats Mummy at games all the time but, daddy promised he wasn't going away. Although he did for a night and mummy cried for ages but, it was okay." Grace spoke innocently, the room fell silent. "Did I say something wrong?" Grace frowned, "No course not Firecracker." Jacob smiled, watching Connie stand up and walked to the kitchen.

"Sorry Jacob, did I upset her I really didn't mean too." His mother looked, "No, she really wanted to make a good impression. She doesn't do crying infront of people." He smiled, as he placed Grace to the side of him before following Connie's footsteps. She stood crying silently as she boiled the kettle, something she had become familiar with but, hadn't done for a while which made it all the worse. He turned her around and pulled her into his chest, "Sorry... she must hate me." Connie sobbed "I'm going to remove that word from your vocabulary. Stop saying it and she doesn't hate you." He kissed her head. She nodded and wiped her cheeks, he smiled "Come on." He took her hand strolling back to the living room. "Sorry, I really am." Casandra smiled faintly, "It's fine." Connie smiled as her phone rang. She sighed "Sorry I really need to take this."
"What is it I'm busy?"
"As always, can I speak to Grace?"
"What is this?! No you can't, you made your point perfectly clear."
"Please Connie."
"Like I said busy goodbye."

"Who is she speaking to?" Casandra smiled, "I think, it's Sam... Grace's dad." "But she calls you dad?" Casandra looked confused, "Yeah. That's a new thing. Sam's shall we say disappeared to America and left Grace saying he doesn't want to see her which is why I'm Confused." Casandra nodded. Connie came back through, "You okay?" He smiled, "The cheek of him, can I speak to her no you can't." She sighed sitting down, Casandra smirked, Jacob frowned. "I think me and you are going to get on." She laughed at Connie, who smiled.

"Mummy please let me." Grace looked, Connie looked at her daughter. "Fine." She smiled handing the phone over after calling. Grace sat on the sofa.
"Hey Gracie."
"It's Grace, to strangers." She sighed
"Grace dont be like that, I'm your dad not a stranger."
"No you aren't! You aren't my daddy! I hate you, I wish you would leave me alone!" She shrieked making everyone look.
"Grace im sorry."
"You always say that. Daddy's don't leave, they read books or play, listen even if they don't care about it but, you don't! You never even read me a book! Bye!" She hung the phone up herself and passed it to her mum, "Can I go upstairs now?" She smiled as if nothing had happened, "Um... yeah I suppose." Connie looked, Grace raced upstairs."Well that was um-" "eventful." Connie laughed with Casandra. The day flew by and before they all new it Casandra was leaving.

"Told you there was nothing to worry about." He smirked as they lay in bed, "Well your mum is loverly." Connie smiled. Jacob smiled back "I'm glad you think so." They kissed eachother gently before falling asleep, both not wanting to mention the phone call.

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