Chapter 59

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A few months later

"Come on Con, you can do this, look at me. I've got you yeah." Jacob smiled, "I can't... I can't." She sobbed as she squeezed his hand tighter, "Listen to me, you are the strongest woman I have ever met and I know you can do this." "You are never touching me again after this!" She yelled as she pushed, all Jacob could do was laugh. "I'm sorry I did this too you sweetcheeks."

A few hours later, Connie lay with her baby boy in her arms. She heard the girls talking to Jacob as they walked in, Grace ran over "Can I hold him?" Connie laughed as Grace sat in the seat, Jacob came and passed him over. Ivie came and sat on the bed, "He's really small mummy." Connie smiled as Ivie hugged her "When will you be home?" "Tomorrow." "Mum! He is so cute!"Grace Squeeled "Shhh.. you will wake him" Connie smiled, "Can I hold him mummy?" "Course you can baby." Grace gently stood up and passed him over to Ivie, who with Connie's help, held her. She giggled as he wriggled, "What's his name?" Grace smiled, Connie looked up to Jacob, "Noah Charlie Masters." "I love it." Grace smiled. "I love him." Ivie smiled at him.

The girls left with Charlie after a while, "Are you staying?" She looked at Jacob, who gently walked back and fourth soothing their baby. "If you like." He smiled, Connie nodded. He placed Noah down in the crib, before taking a seat on the chair. She frowned, "Your going to stay there?" "Where else?" He asked looking slightly confused, "Next to me... I've not had surgery Jacob." He stood up as she shuffled over, still in some slight pain. He paused making her look up, "I thought I was never touching you again?" He smirked, she pushed her tongue into her cheek. "It's a good job I know you can't resist me." He laughed lying on the bed next to her, "Don't flatter yourself Muscles." She laughed as she moved into his side more, while Jacob put his arms around her gently. "He's so beautiful." Connie smiled, "Yeah he is... just like our girls." He smiled back kissing her head, "Definatly a heart breaker like his dad." Jacob teased, "Well... you haven't broke my heart-" "Well I had to break many to find you." He smiled.

They lay in a silence for a while, until the familiar cries of their child called. Jacob lifted him out the crib before returning to where he lay with Connie. "Remind me why we are doing this again." She sighed, "Well because like I said earlier, you can't resist me and he won't always be so-" "whiny?" She joked, making him laugh. "Mummy's only joking, I love you very much." Connie cooed, gently running her finger over her sons cheek. "I think someone's a hungry boy." Jacob chuckled as he watched his son try to suckle on Connie's finger.

A while later Duffy came in, to find a now peaceful Noah and Connie. However, Jacob lay awake scrolling through his phone replying to all the messages of congratulations. He looked up noticing the somewhat distressed look upon Duffy's face. "Jacob... Charlie told me to give you and Connie a heads up." "On what?" He frowned, "Sam... he's coming back to CT here." She sighed, Jacob also sighed. "Thank you." He smiled, Duffy nodded before glancing over to the boy. "He has beautifully long eyelashes." She smiled, he laughed "He'll get all the women." She added. He smiled, Duffy left leaving them in peace.

A few hours in and Connie woke again, "You okay?" Connie nodded and sighed, "I heard Duffy... what is his game Jacob?" "I really don't know Sweetcheeks." She nodded "Well, it's not ruing my life." She smiled before kissing him gently. He smiled looking into her eyes for a moment "I'm so proud of you. Not just for this but, everything. Like I said when you were in labour, you are the strongest woman I have ever met." He gently kissed her forehead, "Don't, you'll set me off." She laughed as a few tears slipped out. He chuckled, "I'm love you." He looked at her, "I love you too... I can't imagine never meeting you and not having the life we have Jacob. We have three wonderful children, their ours." She gently moved as she looked to her son, "We made that." She added with a smile, he nodded "Yeah, we did Sweetcheeks."

Three in the morning came round and Noah's cries filled the room. Connie decied she should be the one to settle him, which within an hour she had succeeded. In that time Jacob had dosed off, Connie climbed back into bed when the door opened. She frowned, "Hello, Connie." Sam smiled, "What do you want?" She sighed. "Nothing... just to see how much the Ice queen had melted." He chuckled, "Oh so not the daughter you forgot about? Just to make digs at me?" "Correct." He smiled, "Well you know where the door is, use it." "Who would have thought it? Connie Beauchamp, Ice queen, one of the best CT surgeons ever now, Connie Masters three children a fiancé and an a doctor in an ED... where did your life go?" He chuckled, Connie scoffed "Where did it go? On the people I love, you see when you love people you put them above anyone or anything. My children are my life along with Jacob, I'm happy when they are. But you wouldn't understand that." "Still with 'Jacob'?" "Yes, why wouldn't I be? We are perfectly happy." Sam nodded, "Why are you back here?" She narrowed her eyes as she glared, "My mother is ill." "What about the child Grace seen at school?" "Simply non of you business but, I have another child with a woman called Emma." He beamed, "Oh I'm glad you're happy because your other child, was sent home from school in bits a few months back. Thinking something was wrong with her Sam." Sam rolled his eyes, "She has Jacob." "She deserves answers Sam... me I couldn't care why, what you have done to her is inexcusable but, that little fragile girl deserves reasons as to why you didn't want her too. She was three and may have said somethings but, that's not the point."

Noah began to cry, making Jacob wake. Connie climbed out of bed ans began to rock him gently, "Want me too sweetcheeks?" Jacob smiled not noticing Sam, "No, it's fine." She smiled, "You sure?" Noah let out a larger cry, "Yeah you tell Daddy, say Mummy's fine." Connie cooed, Sam scoffed "Wow. You really aren't the Connie I know." "You still here?" Connie sighed before returning her focus to her son, Jacob frowned "When did he get here?" "I don't even know." She sighed as Noah began to calm. The pair continued on as if he wasn't there, he eventually left. Connie realised a loud breath "Thank God for that." "What did he want?" "I quote 'to see how the ice queen has melted.'" He shook his head "Wow." "Wow indeed but, he's not getting me down." She smiled climbing back in next to him before they both fell asleep.

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