Chapter 52

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"Both girls in which means I get to see you all day." Jacob smirked, Connie laughed "Scan later." She smiled, he nodded and gently squeezed her thigh, she smiled "It will be okay right?" "Always." Jacob smiled as he parked up. Connie gently tapped his thigh "Well then lets be off." She smiled before stepping out. Jacob followed, he frowned noticing her pause, Her followed her gaze, which led to Cal in scrubs. "She can't be serious!" Connie jumped at him shouting, Jacob sighed and moved his arms around her "I'm sorry." She nodded and swallowed the lump in her throat "It's fine." She smiled before pulling away and walking in to the ED.

Jacob followed in, "Noel, Have you seen Elle?" Noel shook his head noticing the mood, "Jacob you need to calm down." "No! She needs sacking... who does that?" "Does what Jacob?" Charlie spoke as he came over, "I don't want Connie alone at any given second in this place." "Jacob." Connie looked, "Yeah." He smiled, "I don't appreciate you talking about me like I'm a child." She sighed, "Con, it's not like that. I don't trust him." "So why do I have to be watched, I'm not the one-" She stopped as he strolled through the doors both Noel and Charlie frowning, "Is Elle of her head?" Noel whispered, "My point exactly." Jacob sighed before walking over to Connie, "Jacob I'm fine." "You might be but, I'm not. I'm not okay with you coming to work to be put in danger." "Doesn't mean I want to be treated like a two year old." He nodded "I just worry." "And I don't?" She glared, "Connie you know that's not what I said." She nodded before turning to walk away. He turned her back round, she looked at him before falling into his arms. He gently hugged her kissing the top of her head.

Jacob stormed in Elle's office slamming the door "Are you out of your mind?!" "Jacob I have no choice." "So this is Hanssen's Idea?" "No but-" "Get him out Elle or I go to the board about you and him. I don't care that he's you 'boyfriend' he shouldn't be near her." "There is no restrictions any more." "Done your research? Are you trying to mess with her? This isn't funny!" He glared, "Jacob I said I have no choice." "Yes you do use it!" Both unaware Cal had walked In, "Babe honestly, I'll go I don't fit in around her anyway." He smiled, Elle nodded. Jacob turned to look at him "Yeah you don't... hitting women or anyone isn't cool or clever and it definitely doesn't make you big." Jacob stormed out.

Connie was stood with Louise looking over some patient notes, she felt a pair of hands snake around her. She tensed for a second before realising it was Jacob. "Staff Nurse Masters, don't you have work to be getting on with?" She sighed, "Kind of." He laughed, "Well go and work... I'm busy." She continued to talk with Louise who was struggling to contain her laugh as he stayed. After finishing Louise walked away, Connie turned to face him "Really?" She sighed, nodded and shrieked as she folded her arms tight to her chest. She pulled the signature death stare making him laugh, he gently pulled her close, "You know that face doesn't work with me sweetcheeks." She bit her lip to hide the smile. "He's going." Jacob looked, "Who?" "That thing." Connie nodded, before kissing him. "I thought you had work?" He smirked, she laughed and kissed him again. Cal scoffed walking past, Jacob pulled away "Have you got something to say?" "Jacob leave it." Connie sighed resting her forehead on her finger tips. "Yeah actually I have, how long till she hurts you like she did me? Till she starts telling lies? Gets you sent down for something that never happened?" Jacob clenched his fist "something you never did! I seen them, I still see the scars so don't say you didn't-" Connie could see he was getting worked up, "Jay... just leave it please." He looked down at her as she held his arm, "Please. For me." She smiled, he released a breath. Glancing at the time he took Connie's hand walking them both up to Maternity.

Jacob came out with the biggest smile on his face, as if what had happened earlier never did. "Told you." He smiled down at an also extremely happy Connie. "Whatever." She laughed, he joined in as they strolled to the ward. Charlie appeared infront of them "What is it?" "A boy!" Jacob beamed not realising how loud he spoke, the team cheered making Connie smile. Charlie hugged her "We need a boy around here." He laughed, as did connie. Elle came over, Jacob rolled his eyes "You two take the afternoon off... what I did was wrong but, I really had no choice." She sighed, Connie offered a small smile, Jacob sucked his teeth "Wrong? It was more than wrong." "Jacob she's said she's sorry. You learn to drop it." He sighed "Well thank you." He forced a smile before going to get their things. Charlie also left the two women. "Had no choice, he made you didn't he?" Connie whispered, Elle looked away "I have no clue what you are talking about." Connie shook her head "He won't stop Elle, it never does. It's promise after promise but, he won't. Do this, do that and it won't happen, you can never make him happy... but I also know being forced to leave him is worse, you have to see it for yourself." She sighed saddened by the fact. "Mrs. Masters I have no clue what you are talking about... why are you still here?!" Connie sighed before walking to meet Jacob.

"Why was she yelling?" "He's doing the same to her that's why." She sighed as she moved into his side, "And I can't do anything until she admits it herself." Jacob sighed "You don't know he is." "No, I do... you haven't been through it Jay, by the time I met you I'd realised it's never going to stop. She's in denial still, he hasn't been hitting her long enough for her to notice." Jacob kissed the top of her head, "I'm sorry." "Why?" She frowned "For not being there sooner-" "Shut up." She smiled "Although, the last thing she needs is to be yelled at so please just drop it." Jacob nodded. "We need to be there to support her when she is ready to tell... although it could take months." Jacob smiled, "How about we go home and lie in bed while looking at things for our baby boy? Then tell the girls?" Connie smiled, her thoughts still lay worried about Elle but, she knew he wouldn't hurt her badly yet nor was she ready to open up. "Yeah." She smiled as they got in the car. She glanced at the scan photo smiling again as Jacob kissed her head.

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