Chapter 19

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"It's good to have you back Ms.Beauchamp." Noel smiled, "Thank you." She smiled back taking the files off the side and walking off to her office, "Ooo... someone's in a good mood." Jack looked at Noel, "Recon she's had a good morning, if you know what I'm talking about." Noel sniggered, both boys sat laughing as Jacob walked past, "What's funny lads?" He smiled, "Oh, Just Ms.Beauchamp." Jack laughed, Noel glared at him but, he didn't notice. "She was so nice this morning, she definitely got some this morning." Jack proceeded, Jacob forced a cough "Nice to know, she can't just be nice." He sighed, "Sorry Jacob but you have to admit, she isn't normally that nice." He continued earing a dig in the arm from Noel. Jacob bit his lip trying not to laugh, "Noel! What was that for?" Jack squeeled. Jacob continued to work.

He strolled through her office, "Hey you." She smiled looking up from the stacks of paperwork, "Hey." She smiled as he passed her a coffee. She took it happily and moved to the sofa, he came to join her. "So Sweetcheeks, you were in a good mood I hear." He smiled, "What?" "Well I hear from a certain person that you were nice this morning." He continued to smirk, she looked at him blankly, "Jack... he said you were nice... oh and that you must have 'got some' this morning." He chuckled, "Can I not just be nice?" She laughed. "Well you can but, we both know he isn't lying Sweetcheeks." He smirked at her, she blushed slightly. "Maybe I'll have to wake you up like that every morning." He whispered seductively, "You might." She smirked and kissed him before resting her head on his chest. "You okay?" He ran his hands gently through her hair, she nodded and moved her feet up on the sofa placing the coffee on the floor. The room was silent, soon after Jacob looked down to find Connie fast asleep. He kissed her head and slowly got up placing a pillow under her head.

"Can I have a nurse over here?" Scarlet called as Jacob left Connie's office, he scanned the room noticing no one was free, he sighed and walked over. "What can I do for you?" He spoke unenthusiastically, she frowned for a split second. Soon after they walked out of the cubical, "So why did you move?" She tried her best to make small talk, as she still haddn't fitted in. "I just did, problem?" He looked, "No just a question." She smiled "Oh." He sighed "Have I done something wrong?" "Not intentionality, now I have things to do Dr. Atkinson." He walked away leaving her highly confused, Alicia looked at the woman. "You're dating a guy called Cal right?" "Yeah... how do you know?" She frowned, "Oh, well Ethan is his brother. Not that me and Ethan are a thing I mean that we just weird." She laughed "But, he was Ms.Beauchamps ex, she left him for domestic abuse. I'm sure she's taking I'm to court and that, do you not know?" Scarlet shook her head and walked off.

Jacob walked Connie's office, she lay still sleeping, he smiled and knelt before her. "Con." She turned over, "Sweetcheeks." "Let me just finish this." She replied "Finish what?" He frowned, she rubbed her eyes and stretched with a yawn. He smiled as she sat up, "How about we get you home?" She nodded, still sleepy.

He had is arms around her as they walked, "What are you some psychopath?!" Scarlet yelled, Connie jumped Jacob held her tighter. "What are you talking about?" Jacob glared at her, "Her making lies about my boyfriend!" "She isn't a liar!" Jacob yelled back. Ethan stood watching, "As a matter of fact, he's the lair. Cal I mean." He butted in "Who even are you?" "His brother." He stared and walked off, Connie sighed and walked off. "Don't even look in her direction, there is a lot of things she is but, a liar isn't one." Jacob glared before following Connie. Scarlet stood flushed before walking off back to work.

"Connie hold up!" He called, she stopped and looked at him. He ran up to her and hugged her, she smiled "I'm okay... I just didn't want to shout or anything." She looked up "Alright." He smiled. The pair got in the car and drove home, Connie lay in bed. Jacob came in "You asleep?" He whispered, she turned her head to look at him "No." He came to join her, she nuzzled into him soon falling asleep. He kissed the top of her head before glancing to the clock. He carefully moved away.


"Where's mummy?" Grace smiled as they walked back to the car, "At home asleep, So I thought how about me and you test out the pool?" Grace looked and smiled "Can we?!" She squeeled, "Yes." He laughed, she smiled climbing into her seat, Jacob strapped her in and drove back.

Grace came running down in her costume as Jacob followed behind in his shorts. Jacob jumped in, Grace giggled and jumped in as Jacob caught her. They splashed around for around an hour, "What are we having for dinner?" Grace smiled "What would you like?" "Fish Fingers!" He laughed ans nodded "Fish fingers it is." He climbed out along with Grace, he dried her off. "You go and get changed and I'll put the fish fingers on." She nodded and went upstairs. Jacob put the food on before following her up.

Connie rolled over and rubbed her eyes, "What's the time?" "Half four." He smiled at her, "I'm so tired." She yawned, "I noticed." He laughed, she smiled as he kissed her head, "You rest, I'll come back once Firecracker is in bed." She nodded and turned back over. He walked down stairs, and checked the food. "How long Jacob?" Grace smiled "About five minutes." He smiled. Grace nodded and went to sit at the table. He served up her dinner and brought it through to her. "Thank you." She smiled, "No problem Firecracker." He smiled at her as she began to eat. He put Grace to bed a few hours later and went to see Connie.

Connie was sat awake, he came and sat next to her. "You okay?" She shook her head, "What's wrong?" "I just don't feel well." She sighed lying back down, he lay down next to her. She moved over and rested her head on his chest. He moved his arms around her "Why?" He questioned "Just a head ace." She sighed he kissed her head, "Try and rest." He smiled she nodded, they both eventually drifted off.

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