Chapter 51

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"Daddy I'm sorry." Ivie cried as he carried her downstairs, "You don't need to say sorry princess, it's not your fault." He smiled. "But you have work, so does mummy. I don't want to be ill." Jacob laughed placing her on the sofa, "I don't think mummy will be in work, it's okay. I know you don't but, we all get ill." Ivie sniffled and rubbed her eyes, "I just want to sleep daddy... but I can't." She sighed before being to cough, Jacob sighed and grabbed a blanket. He sat down pulling her on his lap, she smiled and curled up in a ball after kissing his cheek, "I love you Daddy." He smiled "And I love my Ivie-J millions more." Ivie smiled "Daddy." "Yes." "Why did mummy use to call me her baby bug?" Jacob chucked "Well when me and mummy found out we were having you, we didn't want to tell everyone too soon so we came up with a nickname but, Mummy just kept it." Jacob smiled, Ivie nodded "What was Grace like when I wasn't here?" "Just as crazy as you." He laughed, Ivie smiled. "Why doesn't Gracie's daddy love her?" Jacob sighed, "I don't know baby, it's difficult... what's with all the questions?" Ivie shrugged "Grace never talks about him but, she has you." She smiled, Jacob smiled back "Yeah she does."

An hour had passed and Ivie was still awake although Jacob had accidently dosed off. "Daddy." Ivie whispered, but he didn't wake up. She didn't want to wake her mum, so she went to Graces room. "Grace." Ivie whispered, Grace pulled the covers above her head "Gracie." Ivie sighed, "What?" She sighed, "I can't sleep and mummy and daddy are sleeping." Grace pulled the up so Ivie could climb in. Grace sat up turning her bedside lamp on, "We could read a book?" She yawned, Ivie nodded eagerly. Grace quietly climbed off the bed grabbing a few books for them to read,They read until they both fell asleep.

Connie came downstairs to wake Jacob as his alarm had rang, she frowned wondering where Ivie was. "Jay." She smiled gently moving her arms around his neck from behind, He rubbed his eyes "Yeah." "You need to be getting ready." She sighed kissing his head, "quick question why are you down here?" She added, "Well Ivie woke me." "Jacob she's isn't here." Jacob sat up, "I must have dosed off." He sighed, the pair walked upstairs seeing Grace's night light on. Connie carefully opened the door, both of them smiling at the sight before them. Both girls lay cuddling while they slept surrounded by multiple book. "She must have gotten bored." Jacob sighed, Connie nodded "Well you need to get ready for work." She smirked "and let the dog out." She added before walking over to the bed.

"Grace." Connie smiled as she turned over, Grace sat up "am I in trouble? She came in so we read a few books she didn't want to wake you." Grace panicked "No! Course you aren't. But I don't want you late for school." Connie smiled kissing her head, Grace nodded before going to the bathroom. Connie came and knelt down beside where Ivie lay sleeping "Ivie-J" Connie somewhat sung, Ivie rubbed her eyes and stretched before coughing. "That answers my question." Connie laughed, "You go and get in my bed. We can watch films and sid can join us." Connie smiled, Ivie nodded before getting up.

Grace came into the bedroom passing her mum a hair brush, Connie tied her long, streight brown hair up into a high ponytail. "Thank you." Grace smiled. Connie smiled back and hugged Grace "I'll see you later. Love you." Connie smiled "Love you too." Grace smiled before walking away, "Grace!" Ivie yelled before coughing. Grace spun around before coming back to hug her "I love you too." Grace laughed, "I love you, thank you." Grace smiled and left.

Jacob came up with sid, "For a puppy he's pretty good." Jacob smiled, "Oh what are you a dog whisper?" Connie teased "Maybe I am." He laughed before placing the puppy on the bed, he kissed Connie "I'll call on my break." He smiled, she nodded and kissed him again "I love you." "I love you too." He smiled before looking at a very ill looking Ivie. "We might have to throw you in the bin." He joked, making Ivie giggle, "No daddy!" He smiled and picked her up "Be good." He smiled kissing her forehead "Have a good day daddy." She smiled as he placed her down "Love you see you both later. "Bye daddy, love you too."

Both girls had settled on a film, Sid lay in between the as they lay watching it. Ivie looked over to her mum, "Why doesn't Grace's dad love her?" Connie was a bit taken back, "Why do you ask?" "Because we spoke about it a while ago and she seemed sad." Ivie sighed, "What do you mean sad?" Connie frowned "Like he upset her... now she doesn't want me asking and said daddy's her dad." Connie smiled a little "Well, it's difficult-" "Daddy loves me and Grace right?" "Yeah!" Connie smiled "Course he does." Ivie nodded and smiled "Grace's real dad is silly." "Yeah he is." Connie smiled kissing her head.

Ivie had soon fell back asleep after being sick again, Jacob phoned.
"Hey you."
"Hey Sweetcheeks, we are all missing you lots... Elle's off on one a per and everyone wants to let Ivie know they are hoping she gets better soon."
Connie laughed, "Tell them all she said thank you... she's fast asleep so it's just me and sid."
"Oh that dog you didn't want-"
"Yeah well he comes in handy." She laughed.
"Well, Grace wants pizza for tea and i suppose you wouldn't complain."
Connie laughed "Well you need to work."
He hummed "I'll see you later."

They day passed by and Ivie began to feel better. Grace was dropped off by the child minder, She came upstairs to the girls and sid. "I hate Carmel." She sighed, "Why?" Connie frowned "She is so rude! She slapped Charlotte today and now Charlotte is in trouble how stupid is that just because her mum came in and shouted." Grace looked as she sat on the bed. "Yeah that is stupid." Connie sighed, "Mum don't you think my hair is getting really long? It's like down to my bump when is not in a ponytail." "Yes, you can get it cut." "No I don't want to." Grace smiled, "I wish my hair was that long." Ivie sighed, "But you hair is different and you can do loads of cool things with it." Grace smiled, Ivie nodded "You mean mummy can." Grace laughed before squeezing in between the pair moving sid to her lap, "Do you think it's another girl?" Grace smiled, "I don't know." Connie laughed "Do you want another girl?" "I'm happy either way." "I want a brother." Ivie chirped "Yeah me too actually." Grace smiled. Connie laughed "We will have to see." "Another film?!" Ivie smiled "Alright." Connie sighed

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