Chapter 65

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Connie and Jacob called the girls down  for their dinner, Connie went to serve it up as she heard the thud of them racing down the stairs. Jacob had previously set the table, he grabbed Noah from his play mat and placed him in the high chair as he was now starting to eat puree food. The girls too their seats while Connie and Jacob brought the food over. They all began to eat while Connie fed Noah, eating in between his mouthfuls. The room a silent and slightly unsettling, Which Grace instantly picked up on. Jacob got up to get everyone a drink, "Mum have you and Dad argued?" Grace looked, worry written all over her face. "No course not, why?" Connie glanced before looking back to Noah opening her mouth as he copied so she could feed him. "Well it's really quiet and it's never like this." Grace sighed. Jacob walked back in, Connie looked up at him their eye's locking on one another. In that split second the pair had spoken an entire conversation, Jacob sat back down.

"Well?" Grace looked, Connie looked "Okay so you have argued." Grace sighed, "Grace we haven't argued." Connie also sighed placing Noah's now empty bowl down somewhat forcefully. "Well then what's going on?" Grace looked, without a word Connie got up and went upstairs. Grace sighed "Dad?" She looked, While Ivie sat eating looking between everyone. "I promise we haven't argued, you mum just has a lot going on right now." He smiled, "Why are we always the last to know anything?" She rolled her eyes before continuing to eat. "Look, Grace I promise you, we would tell you if you needed to know and right now you don't, just be nicer to you mum for me please." He smiled, Grace nodded without properly listening which didn't go unnoticed by Jacob.

A while later Connie came back down quite obviously she had been crying, She walked over to the kitchen boiling the kettle when Jacob came in "Sweetcheeks." He spoke softly, she looked over and hugged him, he rocked them gently "We will have to tell them soon-" "I know but, I don't want too not till it's for definite." "Well then you need to calm down with them, they don't know Connie." She sighed knowing he was right, "I know... I'm going to bath Noah, unless you want to?" He kissed the top of her head, "You can unless you want me too?" "No I'd like too." She looked up with a slight smile, "Why did you boil the kettle?" "I really don't know." She laughed gently, before kissing him.

She grabbed Noah out of his bouncer, still not looking at Grace, before going up stairs and running the bath for Noah. She placed Noah in his crib while she got everything ready, Grace came up behind her "Mum." Connie jumped "Grace don't do that-" Before she let her mum finish she spoke "Sorry, I'm really really sorry." Grace looked as she let the tears fall. Connie came closer and hugged her tight, "Hey, I was joking. I was about to say you gave me a right fright." She rubbed her thumb over her daughters head, "I'm really sorry Mum." "Gracie don't cry baby, I'm sorry too. I'm just a little worried about things and I took it out on you, I really shouldn't have. I'm so sorry." "But I should have listened." She pulled back slightly to look at her mum, Connie ran her thumbs under each of Grace's eyes, "It's okay, I'm sorry too." She pulled her back into a hug kissing her temple, "Mum is everything okay though?" Grace asked after calming down, Connie let out a sigh "Yeah it's fine, You go and wait downstairs with Ivie and dad. Tell him mum said to wait and she's going to tell." Grace burrowed her brows in confusion but nodded and left her mum to bathe Noah.

Soon after bathing Noah, she brought him down and placed him in his bouncer, she sat next to Jacob who moved one arm around her waist "We don't have too." He whispered, "No we do, it's unfair especially Grace. She getting all my pain just because she's the eldest." Connie sighed guiltily, still whispering. "What do you want to tell us mum?" Grace smiled, but she soon removed it seeing her mum not return it. "We didn't want to worry you as this isn't confirmed yet okay?" Connie looked, Grace nodded followed by Ivie who didn't quite understand given her age.

"See, Noah has had some tests recently. Me and your dad have been worried about a few different things-" "Is he okay? He's not poorly is he?" Grace panicked, Ivie still not fully understanding. "No, he's not poorly." Connie chuckled at her panicked state and how much she cared for her siblings. "Well then what's were you worried about? Why has he had tests?" "His hearing." Jacob smiled, "What about his hearing?" "Well, we think he may be deaf." Connie looked, Grace looked down at her brother "Is he?" "Well, we don't know we have an appointment in a couple of weeks." Jacob smiled, Grace nodded "Okay... why would I be worried?" Grace frowned "He's still Noah, he's the same person he was before and I loved him then so why wouldn't I now?" She added, Connie smiled as she came over and hugged them both "I really don't know." Connie looked, "Just tell me next time, I don't like not knowing why you are upset." "Your not the only one Firecracker." Jacob chuckled, Connie smiled. "Hey what about me?" Ivie looked before running over and hugging them. "Mum." Grace whispered, "Yeah." "I don't think Ivie understands." Connie laughed "Me either, I'll explain it to her later." Grace nodded with a smile.

"See it wasn't that bad sweetcheeks." Jacob whispered, as the girls now sat on the other sofa watching tv, "I know." She whispered back, he ran his hands through her hair, she smiled before the four of them watched tv while Noah slept upstairs in his crib.

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