Chapter 34

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"Connie just let me go back." He sighed "It's been a week no." She glared, he rolled his eyes. "I really wish you would stop bossing me around." He smiled, "Well that's never going to happen." She smirked as she joined him in the bed, "You have work." She shrugged, "No I don't, I've got the day off and Grace is at school already." She smiled. "What film shall we watch?" He smiled, "Any." She yawned as he flicked through Netflix Connie sighed, "Sweetcheeks?" "How boring can I get? It's our day off most people would be doing something fun yet look at me tired and lay I bed." He chuckled "You're also pregnant, looking after a three year old and me." He looked over to her, she sighed hugged into him. He smiled at her, "Film Beauchamp?" "We already said yes-" "pick one idiot." He laughed, she scowled before they finally settled on one.

Connie soon fell asleep, Jacob smiled down at her as his phone vibrated. He frowned slightly as he grabbed it.
"Hey Pudding. Fancy a visitor?" Elle answered
"You definitely not. Anyone else maybe." He sighed looking down at a peaceful Connie.
"She really has you round her finger-"
"No, you just aren't having your way so you're throwing you toys out the Pram as usual." He raised his voice
"Jacob that's not ture."
"Yes Elle it is now Bye!" He ended the call returning to the flim that Connie had chosen.

"Jay." Connie smiled down as she straddled his waist gently caressing his cheek, he stretched slightly before placing his hands on the sides of her thighs. "Did I fall asleep?" "You must have muscles." She smiled, he nodded "What can I smell?" "Either Coffee of the bacon balm I just made you." She laughed, he smiled before frowning "It's a bacon butty." "Balm." She smiled "Butty." He smirked, she shook her head "Balm." She glared before kissing him gently. He smiled before kissing her again, his hands moved around her back as the kiss deepened. He gently rolled over, hovering over her neither breaking the kiss. Her hands skimmed over his toned torso settling on his waist band. He smirked against her lip before gently moving down to her collar bone. A small moan escaped her lips, "Your coffee will get cold." She added, "See if I care." He smirked.

The pair lay next to eachother, panting as they caught their breath. He turned his head to the side to look at her as she did back. "If I can do that can I come back to work?" He smirked, she burrowed her brows "Nice try Muscles." He chuckled pulling her close, "I love you." He pressed his lips to her temple, she smiled "I love you too." They lay intertwined with one another, when there was a knock on the door. "I'll go." He smiled, Connie nodded as he slipped out of the bed pulling his clothes on before going down to answer. He opened the door to find an older looking man, "Hello." Jacob smiled with a slight burrow of the brow, "Hey... I'm looking for a girl. Woman named Constance or Connie." He smiled, "Oh... who are you?" "Is she here?" Jacob looked to the stairs as Connie came down, "Jay, Who is it?" "They want to see you." He smiled, "Me?" She walked to the door keeping behind Jacob. The older man smiled, "Sorry, I don't know who-" She paused as she studied the man's face for a second longer, "How did you know I was here?" She frowned "The hospital... I think his name was Hope... Dr. Hope." He smiled, "I'll bloody kill him." She mumbled making Jacob smirked. She pulled Jacobs arm gently as they both moved to the side allowing the man in. "Con?" He looked, "It's my dad." She sighed, he watched her as her eyes filled. "Come on you aren't alone Sweetcheeks." He smiled, she nodded.

As they took a seat her father's eyes fell to her bump, "First?" He smiled, "Second and don't do that." "Do what?" "Act like it hasn't been years." She sighed, he looked down "Connie I tried my best." "Really! Your best, you knew where I worked for so long, you best! Next lie." She glared, "It wasn't like that." "Course... why are you hear?" She looked at him "It form wanted to apologise, the situation was difficult-" "Difficult! No you don't know what difficult is! You didn't have to walk back into your house and see your own mother dead! Now that's difficult." Jacob looked at her shocked, she glared at her dad as he looked down "I know. But what did you expect me to do Connie, she kicked me out." "At least take me in but instead you let me go into care, what is it you really want?" "Nothing Connie... well forgiveness. I was stupid-" "Yeah that's one way of putting it." She snapped as the door went again.

Jacob answered, as Grace came running through. Connie smiled at her daughter "Hey baby." Grace haddn't noticed the man, "Hi Mummy." She smiled as she threw her book bag down along with her coat. "How long till she is here?" Grace looked at her mums stomach "Soon." "But how long because you are really big now." She smiled innocently, "Thanks." She laughed, Grace turned around to pick her bag and coat up when she noticed the man. She frowned "Who are you?" "Well im-" "Don't even think about it." Connie glared, "Gracie go and put your things away for me." Connie smiled, "Fine but who is he?" She sighed, "Go." Connie smiled, Grace stomped her feet as she went upstairs.

"Well she reminds me of someone." William laughed, Connie rolled her eyes "Don't play the caring father." "I'm not Connie... I get why you hate me but, I'm trying. Trying to make this right." "Well you can't so just leave your good at that." She sighed, "Why are you saying that?" "It's true." She smiled, Jacob came over "Connie, he is trying." She glared at him "Get out!... both of you." Jacob sighed with a smile as he sat down. "You know Beauchamp, this whole saying one thing and meaning another it's really dumb because I know it all now." He smiled, she pushed her tonge in her cheek as she narrowed her eyes at him "This whole you knowing is really dumb because you shouldn't." He chuckled pulling her into an embrace, William watched them. "Want to talk about it?" He questioned, she shook her head "Not now." He kissed her head "Alright Sweetcheeks but, you know you can whenever you want." She looked up and smiled "I know." "Good." "Good." She mimicked, he scowled jokingly. Grace rushed downstairs "Mummy! Daddy! I've lost it." She shrieked, Connie went over "Lost what?" "Bu... bunny." She sniffled, Jacob went to look. "Where did you last have it?" "I don't know." She sobbed, Connie picked her up "We will find it down worry." Grace nodded and wiped her tear stained cheeks. They looked for a while, when Jacob appeared "Is this it?" He smiled "Thank you!" She smiled hugging him tight "No problem." He smiled as he passed it to her, "Daddy, who's that man?" Grace whispered "You go on up, Pizza for tea?" He smiled, Grace smiled back "Deal."

"Connie please can we some how move forward." William pleaded, she didn't say anything. "Please Connie." "Why? I have my life, that doesn't consist of you... I owe you nothing." She sighed, "I know. But I owe you and I want to put things right... well best I can." He looked, "Fine..." She looked away, "Connie I'm so sorry you had to see what you saw-" "Don't be... you weren't to know, I always wanted someone to blame and you were easiest... she knew what she was doing." She sighed as she twirled her thumbs before gently removing the tears that fell, "I'm not just going to forgive you-" "I know. I don't expect you too." Connie nodded, "Well I have things to be doing." "Oh yeah, Um sorry." He looked at her "You said." She shown him out before Jacob appeared in front of her with his arms open.

He held her tight as she sobbed "What happened?" "Another day." She sighed, he nodded as he gently rocked her. She smiled before inhaling "Is that pizza?" He nodded, she smiled "Is thought you went off pizza." He raised his eyebrow "Yeah I did but, I smelt it the other day and it made me want it." He shook his head laughing "Well looks like you might just get some." She smiled and kissed him "I'm sor-" "hold it right there." He smiled, she smiled back before he kisser her gently.

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