Chapter 25

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AN: I didn't really want to write the court case incase I messed up, like I don't really write in resus and that. So this is like afterwards

She walked out and fell into Jacob's arms as she cried. He held her close, "Shhh... it's okay." He soothed, "He won't hurt you anymore." He placed kisses in her hair, "They actually believed me Jay." She sobbed as she clung to him, "Yeah they did Sweetcheeks." He smiled, "Five years." She looked at him, he nodded she smiled at him. "Thank you so much. I don't say it enough but, I couldn't do this without you. I don't know where I'd be without you." She smiled sadly, "You don't need to thank me, I'd do it all again." He ran his thumbs over her cheeks removing the tears before pulling her back into an embrace. "He can't hurt me?" "No." She sighed with relief. "We can be family, without worrying." "A family without worrying sweetcheeks. " He smiled.

"Jay, can we go to lunch?" She smiled, "Are you up to it?" He looked at her, "It's lunch. Yeah I just want to forget about everything... I don't want him ruining my day. He ruined enough of those." She sighed, "Alright Sweetcheeks." He smiled as he kissed her, "Oh one condition." He smiled, "What?" "You let me take you and Grace on holiday." She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him, "That a yes?" He looked with a raised eyebrow, "Yes." She laughed, he smiled and led her to the car. "I really thought he was getting away with it." She sighed, "I know you did Sweetcheeks. Good thing is he didn't." He smiled, she nodded and got in the car.

After taking their seats and ordering, Jacob placed his hand on top of Connie's, "I'm so so so proud of you." He smiled, she smiled back "Don't you'll set me off again." "Alright." He smiled. "It's so nice to not be working and be here." She tried to change the subject best she could, "Yeah it is and for me to be able to say baby without five thousand questions." He chuckled, she smiled as she ran her thumb over his hand. "So here's a question, are we going to find out?" He raised an eyebrow "About what?" She looked confused. He knew she wasn't feeling right but, she also wanted her mind taking off the mornings events. "The baby? The gender." "Oh... sorry." She rubbed her forehead, "Hey, don't be." He smiled, she nodded "If you want too." She smiled, "Well I don't mind-" "Jacob just make a decision." She sighed, "Alright Sweetcheeks, could we find out?" She nodded as the food was brought over, Connie opted for a chicken salad where Jacob chose a pasta dish. They ate in a comfortable silence before Jacob paid and joined Connie back in the car.

Next day

"Hey you." She smiled as she entered the staff room, "Hey." He smiled as he pulled her close and kissed her, "Elle want to let everyone know she's got something she wants to tell us all so we should best go." He sighed, Connie smiled and kissed him again before they both left and stood around waiting for her 'Speech'.

"Hello everyone!" Elle called trying to gather everyone's attention but, failing. "Everyone gather round and shut up!" Connie called, everyone instantly shut up. Connie turned to look at Elle waiting for her to speak. Elle glared at Connie which didn't go unnoticed by Jacob and the team. "Everyone, Hanssen and I have been talking and we have decided that while at work. We are here to work, no relationships while on shift you are colleges that's it." She smiled. Jacob looked over at Connie, "Bit far fetched when you can't keep you hands off Jacob." Robyn spat. Everyone's head jolted to her, "Robyn the office now!" Elle yelled, they both walked into her office.

Everyone stood looking at Connie, "We thought you were bad, not even when you became clinical lead were you that harsh." Zoe laughed, "Please take the job back." Alicia begged. "I can't, anyway what are they going to do sack you all. Remember they need you more than you need them." Connie smirked before walking off outside.

"Con?" He looked at her, "I'm not mad Jacob." She smiled and hugged him. "This is so not allowed." He laughed, "When did I follow the rules." She smirked, "I recon she's talking a load of crap." Jacob sighed, "Well I don't really care." She smiled and Kissed him. They both walked back on the ED, "I recon those rules are so over Jacob and Beauchamp, she's well jealous. Although him leaving Mr.B  for her would be a massive down grade." Jack looked at Noel, "Good job I don't plan to." Jacob smiled as Jack flushed a bright crimson colour.

They day passed on slowly, Jacob was stood over at the nurses station, when Charlie came over. "Jacob. Connie's collapsed, she's fine don't worry but, she's asking for you." He looked at him, Jacob smiled briefly before running to find her.

"Jacob." She smiled as he walked in, he came over in a panic taking her hand, "Jay I'm fine." She smiled at him, "What happened?" "I just wasn't feeling good, dizzy and then I collapsed." She sighed, he nodded. "The baby?" He looked, "Fine too." "You don't know that?" He looked, "You aren't the one being kicked every five seconds are you?" She smiled. He smiled and stood up, she frowned watching him. He removed her heels, "These are going well away." "No! Please I'm really short without them." She gave him her dough eyes that usually worked, "Not this time sweetcheeks." He smiled. She rolled her eyes, "Everyone is going to bully me now." She sighed, "Still not having them." He laughed. Charlie came back in, along with an ultrasound machine. "I shouldn't be doing this." He looked at her, "Give over we are all qualified-" "For the basics we are for emergency medicine." "Actually cardiothoracics." She smirked. He shook his head, as he began to scan her.

"All good." He smiled as the heart beat filled the cubical, "Told you." Connie smirked at Jacob "Yeah yeah, still not wearing these." He smirked. She sighed, "It's just low blood pressure, of it happens a few more times we will have to look at other options." Charlie smiled "Yeah, I know." She smiled.

Charlie left the pair, "Come on let's go." "I can't." She smiled, "Why?" He frowned, "I have no shoes." She smirked, "Fine." He laughed ans he passed her the heels "Hold these." He added, she took hold of them as he picked her up, she squeeled. "Jacob Masters put me down." She laughed as he carried her out, earning glances off everyone, a few members laughed. "Jacob." She continued, Elle stepped in front of the pair, "Did you not listen this morning?" She glared, Connie bit her lip trying her best not to laugh. "Whatever Elle, my shift finished thirty seconds ago and Connie's ill." He smirked, still holding Connie like a child. "Fine. I don't want this on my ward." Elle glared. "Like it or not this is still Ms.Beauchamps ward." Zoe added as she walked past. Elle huffed as she stormed off to the reception. He carried her past, purposefully kissing her. "Watch out Elle, Green really doesn't suit you." Jack sniggered. "Back to work!" She yelled.

Jacob drove home, "Jay." "Connie." He smiled, "Does this have to be a secret anymore?" He shook his head, "They aren't too bad... apart from Elle." She added, "Alright, we could tell them after the scan tomorrow." He suggested, "Deal." She smiled and kissed his cheek.

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