Chapter 18

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"Alright, I think that's everything." He smiled as he closed the van doors. She nodded, and put Grace in her car. "Are you sure you don't want me to come with you and we can get my car later?" She shook her head "I'll be fine." He kissed her, "See you there." She smiled "You might." She teased, he laughed and kissed her again. She got in to the car following the van, Jacob looked around waiting to see if she was followed before getting In his car and following them.

"Mummy why are we moving?" Grace smiled at her mum, "We just are baby." "Can I paint my room pink now or not?" Grace sighed as she flicked through the radio stations  "Course you can... Gracie please just pick a song." Connie smiled, she finally settled on one. Grace fiddled with her bunny, "Gracie whats wrong?" Grace looked down, "I want to speak to daddy." "Okay, that's not a problem." Connie glanced at her, "I don't want to see him ever mummy, he needs to know I mean it." Connie sighed, "Gracie, you don't mean it." "I do mummy! Why won't you listen? If he wanted me he would have phoned or come to see me but he hasn't!" Connie was taken a back by how angry she was, "Okay okay." Connie focused in driving, "Mummy I mean it." Grace looked out the window, "Grace why don't you want to see him?" Connie questioned, "I know he doesn't want me." "Course he does." Grace sighed "No he doesn't, I took your phone and phoned him, I heard him say he didn't want me." She wiped her cheeks, Connie pulled over. Jacob noticed and parked up behind, He walked over to the window to see Grace on Connie's lap crying.

He opened the door, Connie shook her head gently before kissing Graces head. He nodded, "Why did he say it mummy?" "I don't know baby." Grace nodded "You want me right?" "Gracie don't ever ask me that again, there is no else I want more." Grace wiped her cheeks and sniffled "I love you Mummy." Connie smiled "I love you more." Grace smiled "But I love you this much" She opened her arms wide, making Connie chuckle "But I love you to infinity and beyond." "But I love you to the moon and back hundreds of times." Grace giggled, Connie smiled at her, "Well I love you most." Grace hugged her mum. Jacob smiled as he watched the pair, Grace climbed back into her seat. Connie got out to talk to Jacob.

"Everything okay?" He looked at her, she hummed. "Just Sam." "Why what's happened?" "Grace called him and over heard him say he didn't want her." Jacob sighed, "You need to call him." She nodded "I know, I really don't believe him sometimes." He hugged her, "We best be going Muscles." He smiled "Are you okay?" "Yes! Now can we go." She laughed "Alright Alright." He chuckled and kissed her head, "See you there." "See you there too i suppose" He replied as they stepped into the cars. Connie glanced over to Grace who had fallen asleep, sucking her thumb while holding her bunny's ear, in between her index and middle fingers, close to her nose. Connie smiled and set off again followed by Jacob.

They had now moved everything in and placed it where they liked it, Grace was playing in her room. Connie stood making coffee when Jacob wrapped his arms around her, she smiled "This is our home." He beamed as if he couldn't believe it himself, "Yeah it is." She turned to face him with a smile. "How are you healing up?" He questioned, "You ask me this at least five times a day I'm fine." She looked at him shaking her head, he laughed and kissed her. "What you going to do about Sam?" He sighed, "Phone him and ask what the bloody he'll is going on." Jacob nodded, "Go on. I can finish here." She smiled and kissed him, she grabbed her phone and walked out into the back garden, she ran him as she sat down on one of the seats.
"Sam." She tried to stay calm
"Can this wait I'm busy."
"Oh you're busy? No this can't wait."
"What's wrong?"
"What's wrong? What's bloody wrong you don't have a clue do you?" She sighed
"Connie what do you want?"
"You asked to be in her life no one made you, how dare you have the cheek to talk about her when you think she isn't listening and say you don't want her!"
He didn't say anything
"No one Is forcing her on you! If you don't want to see her say so. I don't appreciate her being in tears over a waste of space, she doesn't deserve it Sam!"
He continued not to reply
"Are you even listening?!"
"Well answer! You hurt her Sam, more than anyone ever has! Not even Cal made her that upset."
"It's not all my fault."
"Oh go on blame someone else! I never wanted you apart of it you wanted to end of, looks like you blew that one well done!" Before he had the chance to reply Connie ended the call and walked back in to sit with Jacob.

She smiled as she sat down next to him, "Everything okay?" She shrugged, "Probably not." She sighed "Why?" "He really didn't seem to care at all." Jacob shook his head, "How could you not care about her, she is probably the best thing in my life." He realised what he had said, "Sorry that kind of just slipped out." He added slightly panicked, "Jacob it's completely fine, it's nice to know you care about her." She smiled and kissed his cheek, he smiled back. "He has to care though, I'm sorry if he doesn't that he is a serious twat." Connie laughed, "I knew that from day one." He chuckled along.

A while later Grace came down "Jacob can you read me a story." She smiled, he nodded and followed her upstairs. He lay next to her reading the story until Grace interrupted "I heard mummy on the phone to daddy, is she okay?"  Jacob nodded "Course Firecracker." "Why doesn't daddy want me?" Grace looked at Jacob, "I don't know Firecracker but, your mummy and I do." He smiled, she nodded "I love you lots Jacob." "I love you lots too Firecracker." He smiled and continued on with the book. Jacob walked to the door thinking she was asleep, "Jacob." She spoke sleepily, "Firecracker?" He looked "What's a twat?" She yawned, his eyes widened "Um a bad word don't use that." "Why did you call it my daddy? And I won't." He smiled, "You will see when you are bigger." She nodded "Night Jacob." "Night Firecracker."

Connie stood on the landing smirking,  "Think it's funny?" He glared at her playfully, "I wouldn't say it wasn't." She laughed, he shook his head with a smile. "I need to remember she has super sonic hearing." He chuckled, she hummed in respone. "You okay?" He looked at her, without a word she walked over and kissed him, she jumped slightly wrapping her legs around his waist, "Sweetcheeks.... you ... sure you are.... up... for this?" He spoke against her lips, "thinking too much." She laughed before pressing her lips back to his.

They lay in there usual position, "You alright?" He questioned "Better than Alright." She smiled, he kissed her "Good." He added, Connie let out a yawn and rolled further on her side moving one arm around his torso, he smiled down at her. "Goodnight Sweetcheeks." He smiled and his arms fell around her protectively, which did indeed make her feel safe. "Goodnight Muscles." She smiled before they both gently fell asleep.

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