Chapter 45

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After dropping the girls off at school the pair drove to the hospital, Connie drew circles over his thigh. The silence wasn't uncomfortable but, it definitely wasn't calm. Jacob looked over "Sweetcheeks it will be fine." He smiled "Jacob you don't that and I just worry." She sighed "I know. But I don't want to have to say I told you so when we leave the scan." He smirked. She gently slapped his thigh making him laugh, "Look sometimes you worry too much." He looked as they parked up, "Well I'm sorry about that." She sighed. "Hey I never said it was a bad thing." He gently kissed her before getting out the car. She followed grabbing his hand tightly, he slipped it away before placing both arms around her. "Have I ever been wrong?" He smiled, she shook her head "Well then it will be fine." He kissed her temple.


They pair strolled out the scan hand in hand, he looked over at the her with a smirk "Told you so." She scowled "Funny." "I know it is." He laughed. She concealed her smile as they walked back to the ED "I really do question why I love you." She looked at him "Well I'm handsome, strong, amazing at many things, expecially in the bedroom-" "Please don't flatter yourself." "Oh so I'm bad in bed?" "Now I never said that." She smirked, he laughed as they walked into the staff room.

"Where have you two been?" Duffy raised an eyebrow, the team had now lost some members and gained a few. "Somewhere." Connie smiled walking to her locker, Duffy nodded with a smirk. "Not that." Jacob laughed before walking out getting everyone to the Staff room. Everyone entered the room looking at the pair.

"Connie and I have some news. The first one being that we are now engaged." Jacob smiled, David frowned "Aren't they not married?" He whispered to Robyn, "No. She changed her name years ago now." She whispered back before joining in with everyone clapping. "The second is I'm pregnant, last time we kept it a secret for a while but, you are like family now." Connie smiled. After the small celebration everyone went back to work.

"Mrs.Masters a word when you are free." Elle looked as connie stood with a patient. Connie said her goodbyes quickly before coming over to Elle, "Is it true?" Elle glared "That I'm pregnant? Then yes it is." Connie smiled, "Course it is." She sighed, Jacob looked over from the nurses station, "Is that a problem?" Connie frowned "Well I can't say I'm over the moon." "Why? Why can't you just drop any of this? You haven't even given me a chance!" "Because that should be me! You don't deserve him or the life you have!" Elle yelled alerting many members of staff. Jacob  came over, "Elle grow up! She deserves it, this really shouldn't be you. You are spiteful, Crule and she is a thousand times better than you. So I suggest you remove yourself and stop trying to cause problems in our life." He glared, Elle shook her head and walked to her office."I don't think I can do this anymore Jacob." Connie sighed hugging him, "Do what Sweetcheeks?" "Deal with her." Connie looked up at him. "I thought you were strong. Anything she says is wrong... you definitely deserve this, more than anyone I know like it or not I'm not going anywhere fast because I need you too." He smiled and kissed her, "Why does she cause so many issues?" "That is still unknown but, she isn't going to be the reason I lose you... no one will be." He smiled, she smiled back and kissed him again.

"Five quid it's a girl again." Max smiled, "ten quid girl." Robyn added "Five it's a boy." Alicia laughed, Connie raised an eyebrow. "Seriously? Betting on my child's gender." "Yeah why not? Anyway Jacob put down a tenner saying it's going to be a boy.c Max smiled, "I did say tennis was a bad idea." David looked between them, "David don't went your knickers." Jez chuckled. "Did he now?" Connie looked directly at Max, "Yeah." He smiled. "Well if you see him tell him he best come and find me." Connie smiled and walked back to work.

Soon after Jacob walked in the staff room "Connie's after you... I wouldn't leave her waiting longer." Max smiled, Jacob sighed and turned on his heel to find her, "Hey Sweetcheeks-" "Don't Sweetcheeks me." She frowned, "Con what have I done?" He looked "What have you done?" She mimicked "Placing bets on our child-" She added before he spoke again "It's a bit of fun." "That so?" He nodded, "Well five it's a girl." She smirked "Wait your not mad?" "Like you said its a bit of fun." He laughed "It has to be a boy. I think we are due one around here." "Well this the track record I wouldn't count on it... or should I say bet." He laughed once again, before grabbing her hips and pulling them against his. She giggled and moved her hands around his neck before they kissed. "Please save that for the bedroom." Elle looked only making them deepen the kiss. After she had disappeared the pair looked at eachother and laughed.

Louise came over "I wasn't in the morning but is it true?" Both nodded, "Congratulations!" She squeeled, "Thank you." Connie smiled as did Jacob. That's when she heard his voice, Jacob felt her shake. "Connie." He looked "Jacob... get me out of here." She whispered. He nodded and took her hand guiding her out the department.

"Con?" He looked "He's in there." She tried to slow her breathing down, "Hey hey hey. Look at me." He smiled, which she did "In." The pair took a deep breath in "Out." He smiled as the both took a breath out. She smiled and hugged him tight "I'm just hearing things right?" "I want to say yes Con but, I really don't know." He sighed as he ran his fingers through her curls. She nodded "Why would he be here Jacob?" "I really don't know sweetcheeks but he isn't going to hurt you. I promise you." She nodded before he kissed the top of her head.

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