Chapter 11

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An: I just wanted to say thank you for all the comments and I'm glad you are all enjoying it. Also this is for everyone who loves Grace, and loves Grace and Jacob

"Where are we going Jacob?" Grace smiled as she put her gray Cardigan on, that was lower at the back, over her black jeans and top. She fastened it with a brown thin belt, then placed her brown ankle boots on. "It's a secret Firecracker." He smiled, he simply wore a black polo shirt, with some Jeans and trainers. He quickly grabbed a jacket, before taking Graces hand.

He helped her into the car, "Please Jacob." "Nope you will have to wait." He smiled strapping her in, "Fine." He got into the drivers side as he moved Graces to the passengers. He began to drive, Grace flicked through some songs when she pulled a CD out. "Can i put this on?" Jacob nodded and put it on for her not realising what it was. He instantly regretted it, "Sing it Jacob!" She giggled before signing along to let it go. "Is it all just frozen?" "No I don't really like it, I prefer Belle." She smiled, he sighed with relief as the next song came on. "Hakuna mata what a wonderful phrase." She giggled along making Jacob smile, "It means no worries for the rest of your days-" "Hakuna mata." Jacob interrupted as he tickled her with his free hand causing her to giggle. The next song played "Mother knows best!" "I don't know this one." "It's from tangled Jacob." She smiled, "I know this one." He smiled, "Look for the bare necessities." They sang together until  Jacobs phone rang.

He passed it to Grace who held it while it was on loud speaker
"Hey you." Connie replied
"Hi mummy!" Grace squeeled
"Hi baby, you still driving?"
"Yeah." Jacob replied
"Alright, well I called to check you were both okay and I love you both. Wish I could be with you."
"I love you too mummy."
"Love you too sweetcheeks."
Grace thought she had ended it, she placed the phone in one of the cup holders, as they returned back to singing "A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down, the medicine go down." They sang together, Connie put the phone on speaker while she worked, laughing to herself as they sang. "High ho, high ho it's off to work we go." Connie couldn't help but giggle listening to the pair.

Charlie walked in her office, "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious even though the sound of it something quite atrocious." Came down the phone, Charlie looked at Connie who was laughing as the pair sang, "Who is singing?" Charlie spoke making Connie jump "Sorry." He smiled, "It's Grace and Jacob, they are off out somewhere. I think they think the phone call ended but, they didn't so it's funny hearing them sing while I work." She smiled, "Have you ever heard the Wolf cry to the blue port moon... Can you paint with all the colours of the wind." Came through the phone. Connie smiled again, as did Charlie "They seem to be having fun." "Hmmm... I'm glad." She smiled, he nodded. "Jacob you sang it wrong! Sorry Firecracker. It's okay but, you need to learn it for next time." Came through the phone again. Connie couldn't hold the laugh back, "Still Grace then." Charlie laughed, "Oh yeah." Connie laughed.


"Here we are Firecracker." Jacob smiled, "The zoo?" She smiled "Yeah!" He came and helped her out. They began to walk in, Jacob felt a buzz of his phone, didn't know you could sing, or enjoyed Disney Muscles brilliant show xx - Con he chuckled at her text Who doesn't like Disney? And I'm glad you enjoyed it sweetcheeks xx- Jay

"Look at this one!" Grace ran over to the red pandas, "They are nice." He smiled, they looked around for a while, they both looked at eachother at they seen the site restaurant. "Race you." Grace smiled as she began to run "Woah that's not fair!" He called as he ran after her. He caught up and picked her up tickling her, "I didn't know you were a cheat Firecracker." She giggled at him.

They eventually arrived home, Connie was on her way back. Grace looked at Jacob "I need a bath before I go to bed but, it will be too late when mummy gets back can you do it?" She smiled, "Urm... let me just call your mum." He smiled not knowing how to respond, Grace nodded.
"Hey Sweetcheeks."
"Hey, what's up?"
"Grace want me to bath her... is that okay with you?"
"Oh yeah if you want to if not don't worry."
"No it's fine I just wanted to check. See you soon."
"See you soon."

Jacob ran the bath, while Grace picked her pyjamas out. "Firecracker, it's ready!" He called. She ran in and got in, she played for a while before Jacob helped wash her hair. She got out and got ready. Jacob was brushing her hair, when Connie walked In over hearing them talking, "Do you love mummy?" "Yeah." "Do you love me?" "Course I do Firecracker." He smiled, "I want you and mummy to be together forever and ever because you make her really happy. And me!" "You and your mummy make me happy too." "Sometimes I wish you was my daddy because my daddy can be mean and he's not as fun as you." "You don't mean that Firecracker, you love your daddy lots." "Yeah but, I love you lots too." "I know. But your dad is your dad and you love him differently." "No I don't! I love you both the same and I see you more and you actually love me." She sighed, "Your dad loves you." He smiled "But you are here all the time daddy is never here." "Thats because he works away." "But I should some come first not work." She was pretty smart for a three year old, "He still loves you loads." "But I love you more." "Hey. That's enough of that, you love you dad lots." He smiled, she sighed "But that's a lie and mummy told me not to lie." "Gracie..." "It's true I see you more than I have daddy ever." "He still loves you." "Doesn't feel like it." Jacob sighed, "He does though, I promise." "I still love you more- " "Firecracker-" "But how can I love him when I don't see him that much, I see you everyday and you look after me." Connie thought about her point she made sense. "Look he's your dad he loves you so much." Grace shook her head. Jacob gave up and continued to brush her hair.

"Hey you two." Connie smiled acting as if she haddn't heard their conversation. "I've had one of the best days ever!" Grace smiled while jacob continued to bush her hair gently. "Good." Connie smiled, soon after Connie put Grace to bed, while Jacob watched tv thinking about everything Grace had said, he couldn't understand where it all came from about Sam not loving her, of course he did.

Connie slumped down next to him as she nuzzled into him, he moved an arm around her. "Grace was saying some weird things before you came back about-" "Sam I heard." "Oh... where did it all come from?" Jacob questioned, Connie looked up at him "It's just a phase, she's done it before."  "What do you mean?" "When she was a little younger she use to say her dad didn't love her because she didn't see him, he doesn't understand how much it hurts her." Connie sighed, Jacob nodded "Have you told him?" "I've tired but as she said, his job comes first or this time Kerion." Jacob nodded "Maybe you should speak." "He doesn't listen to me. Grace will tell him herself." She added, he kissed the top of her head "It will work out." "I Know." She smiled.

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