Chapter 10

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"Mmmm... smells good." Connie smiled as she wrapped her arms around his waist resting her head on his back, "I'm glad but, it's hard too Cook with you attached to me." He chuckled, she didn't move. "Sweetcheeks. This incredibly difficult." He continued to try and cook, she eventually let go and sat on the side. He lifted eyes to her and smiled. "So you have got the day off, I told you its fine." She smiled "I know but, Maybe I want to take Grace to school with you." He smiled as he walked over to her, standing between her legs, which she wrapped around him. "I thought you you were cooking?" She smirked "It is." He smirked back before she kissed him. They both deepened the kiss as it became heated. Her arms moved around his neck "I think... I... should get... back... to... the food." Jacob mumbled against her lip, "You think too much." She replied as she pulled away, still leaving her legs around him.

They eventually sat down and ate, "Jacob this lovely." She smiled "I'm glad you like it but, it could have been better... Maybe if I haddn't of been so distracted." He smirked as he picked her plate up along with his. "Oh, I'll leave you to it next time." She teased as he walked back to the kitchen. "I never said that Sweetcheeks." He called from the kitchen.

"What shall we watch Sweetcheeks?" She shrugged "Could we not watch it in bed?" "Watch what?" "Well I dont know but, can we?" She smiled he nodded as she led him to the bedroom. They lay on the bed as Jacob scrolled through Netflix, Connie straddled his waist and began to kiss him, he pulled away "Connie we don't have too, I'm happy to watch a film and cuddle." He smiled, "Jacob I want too, I'm ready." She smiled, "What brought this on?" "It feels right Jacob okay." "Tell me if you want to stop." She nodded. He carefully pressed his lips to hers, the kiss was deepened quickly. She removed her vest and bra, he stared for a second, she was so beautiful. He began to kiss her neck causing her to moan, he gently flipped leaving him on top, which made her giggle.

They with their naked bodies touching, she absentmindly drew circles over his tattoo making him smile. He placed a kiss on her temple, "You okay?" He questioned in his husky voice, "Perfectly fine, You?" "Perfectly fine too." He mimicked, she smiled "Jacob Masters, I love you." "I love you too, Connie Beauchamp." She lifted her head and kissed him passionately.


"Mummy!" Grace called from Jacob's side, Connie rubbed her eyes and stretched before sitting up, "Where's Jacob?" Grace contined while watching her mum, Connie glanced at the time. She lifted Grace on the bed, "He will have gone to work baby." She smiled, brushing some hair from the young girls face. Grace sighed "He wasn't home to read me a story last night either." She folded arms and scowled, "He will be back tonight. I promise." Grace nodded with a slight sigh "Now let's go and get you ready." Connie smiled, Grace nodded.

"Will you have another baby with Jacob?" Grace questioned as Connie looked through her daughter wardrobe, she was a little shocked by the question. "Why do you ask?" "Well you said that a baby happenes when you love someone very much and you love Jacob very much." Connie giggled a little, "Mummy! It's not funny." "Sorry baby, Um I don't really know." "But you love him and you said it just happens." "Yeah but, it's a little more complicated than that." "Oh... how?" "That doesn't matter. You will understand when you are bigger." Connie smiled as she began to help Grace get ready. "If you do have another baby, you will still love me right?" Grace looked as she stepped into the jeans "Course I will. I'll always love you." Connie smiled, Grace smiled back. "Oh mummy. I don't like that one." Grace sighed shaking her head, "What I thought you did." "No, I like the other pink one." "Grace your entire wardrobe is full of pink." "Well I don't like that one." Connie stood up and looked through the wardrobe. "This one?" "No." "What about this?" To Connie's surprise Grace nodded.

Connie pulled on some Jean's with a white blouse that she tucked in at the front, she pulled her hair into a high ponytail. Her phone buzzed, 'I'm on a break could I possibly face time Grace -Sam.' Connie rolled her eyes "Gracie daddy wants to speak." Grace came running in, Connie face timed him and passed the phone to Grace.
"Hi daddy."
"Hey baby, how are you?"
"Mummy lied to me."
"She said you have a baby when you love someone. But she isn't having a baby with Jacob and when I asked why she said its more complicated than that."
"Oh right, do you like Jacob?"
"No... I love Jacob lots he's fun although I haven't seen him since yesterday morning because he's been working." Grace sighed
Sam nodded
"Also I start school next week."
"Wow! That will be fun."
"Yeah but, I want Jacob to take me with mummy but mummy said he is0, also on Friday mummy is working so me and Jacob are going out somewhere but he won't tell me."
"Nice." He sighed
"Daddy you are doing it again." Grace rolled her eyes
Grace nodded as Connie's phone began to ring.
"Bye daddy Jacob is ringing I love you."
"Oh... love-" She ended the call and answered Jacob.

"Hi Jacob!"
"Hey Firecracker."
"I'm mad at you and mummy."
"Why?" He chuckled
"Because I haven't seen you in forever. And mummy lied."
"You seen me yesterday morning and you will tonight. Why what did mummy lie about?"
"Okay... I asked if you and mummy would have a baby and she said I don't know, which is stupid because she said you have a baby when you love someone very much and she loves you very much, then she said it was more complicated and I said why and she said it doesn't matter."
Jacob was laughing at her innocents
"Jacob this isnt funny. She's a liar."
"I know... I know, so how come you have your mums phone?"
"I was speaking to daddy but, he went all weird again and you called so I answered."
"Gracie you should have stayed talking."
"But I haven't seen you in ages and I wanted to ask you, would you and mummy have another baby because she wouldn't answer me."
"Um... what your mum said."

Connie came in "Gracie who are you speaking to?" "Jacob." She smiled sweetly, "What happened to dad?" "Jacob phoned so I answered because I haven't seen I'm in ages and now he's saying the same as you about a baby, why is it so complicated because that's not what you said, you lied mummy and you tell me not to lie." Jacob was crying with Laugher on the other end of the phone. "Sorry baby, can I speak to Jacob?" "Fine."
"Bye Jacob."
"Bye Firecracker."
Grace handed the phone to her mum and went to her room.

"Hey liar." He chuckled
"Where did all that come from?"
"I have no clue." She laughed "How is the shift?"
"Boring without you sweetcheeks."
She smiled at his comment "Well she's also mad with you."
"Yeah I know she's already gave me an earful about how she hasn't seen me in forever." He chuckled again
"Not just that." She replied
"Why what else?" He sounded worried
"Well, I over heard her say to Sam how she wants us both to take her to school but, you are working."
"Oh... you haven't told her?"
"Well you can later."
"Yeah, look sorry sweetcheeks but, Rita is calling for me. I think she has a thing for me." He laughed
"Don't flatter yourself Muscles."
"I love you too sweetcheeks."
" I know you do... I love you now work Staff Nurse Masters."
"Alright boss."


Grace lay sleeping in her bedroom when Jacob came back, while Connie was replying to emails. He walked over to where she sat and began to gently massage her shoulders, she smiled and relaxed. "Hey you." She smiled up at him, he kissed her. "How was your day?" He smiled "Good." "Yours?" "Busy." Connie nodded "Well a certain someone told me that as soon as you get back she must be woken." "Oh I don't know who that will be." He laughed

Connie went to make then both a coffee, while Jacob went to see Grace. "Hey Firecracker." Grace rubbed her eyes before recognising the voice, "Jacob!" She smiled as she hugged him, he hugged her back and smiled. "I missed you." She smiled "I missed you too. Now I have something to tell you." Grace nodded "I know you start big school on Tuesday so... I'm going to take you with mummy, if you want me too." "Yes yes yes!" She squeeled Jacob laughed at the young girl who climbed off her bed and grabbed a few pieces of paper. "I drew this for you." "Wow!" He smiled as he looked at the pictures. "This is me and you." She pointed out over the squiggles, that made him smile "This one is me you and mummy." She continued, he flicked to the next one "This is a rat." "A rat?" "Yeah. A rat Jacob." She looked at him, he smiled and turned to the next one. Grace lifted her foot and held her toe while she looked at the next one, "This one is a pig... I like pigs." He turned to the last one, "This is the pigs killing the people because they try to kill them for food so the pigs don't like that so they are using the guns to kill the people. So they can be free." She smiled, Jacob looked a little worried. "Do you like them?" "Yeah... I'm sure your mummy will like them too, I'm going to take a real good look at this one." She nodded "Night Jacob I love you." "Night Firecracker love you too." He kissed her forehead as she lay in bed.

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