chapter 29

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"Connie." Jacob whispered as he brushed some hair out of her face, she stretched and looked at him frowning. "Sweetcheeks, that's not a good look." He laughed, "Shhh..." She yawned, "Well, Grace want to go and get breakfast. So, move your butt." He smiled. He left her to wake up and get ready. She walked out the bedroom in a Coral Maxi dress, that had a sliver band that rested on her bump. Her hair in a messy bun and her face make up free. He looked at her as she came over, "Do I look okay?" "Yes!" He smiled, "Come on." Grace called from the door.

They ate, before returning to the room. Grace went for a little lie down as she was slightly tired, Connie was in the bedroom doing her hair and make up. "I wish you would stop kicking me for just five minutes." She laughed, before applying her subtle pink lipstick. She felt another kick as she stood up walking over to the bedroom window, she rubbed her stomach "Yes I love you too but, it's really not making me smile right now." She held her arms around her bump moving one hand round in circular motions, as she gazed out the window. "Everyone thinks your sister is the most excited but, I can't wait either... although that doesn't mean copying your sister, I don't need to go through that one again. I know daddy's going to spoil you rotten, just like he does Grace and me." She chuckled as she felt another kick, "I also know your daddy would be mad about me worrying his mummy won't like me... But it's not the most 'Normal' of situations, she's never met me yet I'm having her grandchild. I just don't want me and his mummy not liking eachother and making daddy feel akward or upset then him leave me. Which I know he keeps telling me he won't but, I still worry." She sighed but, smiled when she felt another kick "Is that I shut up and stop worrying." She laughed as she looked down.

Jacob smiled from the doorway as he watched her, feeling guilty for mentioning it. He walked in making her head jolt up, he looked at her, "How much did you hear?" She sighed as he walked closer  "From but I can't wait." He smiled sadly, "Jacob I'm sorry, just forget what you heard I'm fine." She looked down, "Well you aren't. You don't need to be sorry and I'm not going to forget it." He gently moved her head up, "I don't want to ruin this." "The holiday? Or you mean us because I keep telling you, that you aren't going to and I don't know why you won't believe me Sweetcheeks." He laced their fingers, "It was a bit of both really." "Well you aren't." He smiled and kissed her forehead, she smiled. "Anyway I'll drop that now... can you please have a word with your daughter." She smiled, he chuckled before kissing her. She frowned at him "Don't tell me she's got you round her finger too." "It's not my fault Sweetcheeks." He laughed, she smiled.

Soon later they had gone to look around the shops in town. "What about this one?" Jacob smiled to Grace who was looking at the Flamenco dresses. "Yeah!" She smiled, Connie rolled her eyes at the pair with a smile. Connie looked around, while she waited for them. Grace came and took her mothers hand "Can we go to the beach tomorrow?" "Course we can." Connie smiled, "I heard the hotel has a show on tonight outside we could go if you both like?" Jacob smiled "Yeah, why not." Connie smiled as they began to walk back slowly, "Thank you for my dress daddy." Grace smiled. "Not a problem, now I'll race you to that tree." He looked at her with one raised eyebrow. Grace giggled and ran off closely followed by Grace leaving Connie shaking her head whilst laughing.


A few hours later they were sat around a stage the hotel had along with many others. Jacob brought the drinks over and sat with Grace on his lap. Around halfway through, Connie looked at the pair who were really enjoying themselves, she was too but, she was really tired. "Jay." She smiled removing her hand from his "Yeah." He smiled at her, "I'm going back to the room, before you ask stay here I'm only going for a lie down." She smiled "Alright, we won't be out too late." He chuckled. Connie kissed Grace's head before quickly kissing Jacob "See you later." He smiled "See you both later, Love you." "Love you too." They both smiled.

She lay in bed reading her book she had brought. Before she knew it she felt the bed move, she rubbed her eyes which flickered open and shut before focusing on Jacob, she scowled "What time is it?" "Around ten." He smiled, "I must have fell asleep sorry." "You don't have to be sorry." He smiled as he kissed her, she moved closer to him "Was it good?" "Yeah, Grace looked tired so I bought her back." He smiled, she nodded. "I need your help." She sighed "What with?" "Names." He smiled at her "Well do you have any you like?" "Not really." She looked at him, "Are you sure about that?" He raised an eyebrow. "Well there is one but I don't know." She sighed, "Tell me." He smiled. "Well I wanted to hear yours first." "Connie... I don't have any." He smiled.

She paused "But I don't want this to be my choice only." "It's not now tell." She nodded "Ivy but spelt with an ie because I don't to things normally. Then I wanted to double barrel it." He smiled "What with?" "J." "J-a-y?" "No. The letter J." "Are you being sarcastic or genuine." "Genuinely the letter. Do you like it?" "Ivie-J... I like it alot, although where did the J come from?" He smiled, She narrowed her eyes "Really? You need to ask that. You obviously." She laughed. He smiled, "I was thinking you could pick the middle name." "I didn't think you did them." "Just because Grace doesn't have one doesn't mean I don't do them." She smiled, "Well, how about Elizabeth? After my gran." He smiled, looking down. "Yeah, of course. Ivie-J Elizabeth Masters. It sounds perfect." Connie smiled, he smiled back kissing her head, "Why not your mums name?" She looked at him. "Well my mum, was a single mum from me being eight after my dad passed. My gran would take three busses everyday to pick me and my brother up and then she'd put us to bed so mum could rest when she got back... I guess she was my second mum. On top of that she cared for my ill grandad." Connie wiped the stray tear that fell on his cheek, he smiled, "Brother?" She raised an eyebrow. "Yeah... we don't talk that much and honestly I don't know where he is." He sighed, "How come?" "Well, when we were teens, he got into the wrong crowed, I did a little but, like I said I appreciated my gran alot. So I'd go and see her everyday. Where he wouldn't and in that time he'd be doing all sorts of stuff." He sighed before continuing "Anyway while gran was in hospital, I know for a fact he was out with a group of his 'mates' doing drugs. I don't know what happened but, someone died not from drugs but... guns. I know he was there so he knows who did it... the kid was twelve and shot. That's why I don't mention him."

The room fell to a silence "Sorry for asking." She watched and studied his face "You don't need to be sorry sweetcheeks." He smiled and kissed her. "I love you." She smiled, "I love you too." Connie sighed as she felt another kick, he looked "You okay?" "Yeah... I think Ivie wanted to say she loves you too." He laughed as he moved her closer in the embrace.

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