Chapter 63

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"Your saying in one breath he's behind but the next don't worry, which one is it?" Connie sighed, "Well he should be able to smile at you and hold eye contact possibly even roll one way." The woman smiled, "He holds perfectly fine eye contact." Connie glared as she bounced Noah up and down on her knee, "Yes but Connie we aren't seeing that-" "I don't need you to tell me what to do with my child, I am a perfectly qualified doctor and heat surgeon. You don't think I can see he's behind?" "Connie I understand but, we have to come, he will catch up." "I don't need the pity... what if he doesn't?" "Well if you are saying he hold eye contact, it could be low tone in the face... has he made attempts to roll?" "I suppose but, he never has." The heath visitor wrote some notes. "Don't worry, what you will find is he will just catch up... he's a boy they typically are just lazy." She smiled reassuringly. "There's lazy, then there's behind." Connie sighed looking as she supported him sitting up.

After a while of talking Connie shown the health visitor out and slumped down on the sofa, while Noah tried to hit the toys in his bouncer. She smiled watching him before hearing her phone vibrate, she picked it up to read a text from Jacob, Hey Sweetcheeks, everything okay? Call me let me know what's going on xx J. Connie sighed and reluctantly phoned him,
"Hey you." He spoke
He paused hearing the sound in her voice "Everything okay?"
"Yeah... no... I really don't know." She sighed, her eyes slowly becoming blurred as tears sprung to her eyes.
"Con, are you crying?" He spoke softly, he continued when she didn't respond "Hey, I'll come back. Con."
"Yeah." She spoke quietly
"I love you."
"I love you too." She added before he hung up.

As she placed her phone down, Noah began to suck loudly on his clenched fist. Connie chuckled wiping her cheeks before lifting him out the bouncer, "At least you make me laugh." She smiled walking to the kitchen making him up a bottle. She sat back on the sofa feeding him, she gently winded him half way through the before feeding him again.

A while later she placed him upstairs for a nap as they had both been up most the night. She came and lay on the sofa, when Jacob came in. He carefully went upstairs to get changed thinking she was sleeping, when he came back down Connie was sat with her legs by her side. He looked at her before sitting next to her, "What's wrong?" He held out his arms, she threw herself into him. He hugged her comfortingly, "They think he's behind." She sighed fighting the tears, Jacob sighed, "Don't say he will probably catch up, we don't know that. He could possibly have low tone." She sighed, he kissed her head "Look I'm not going to tell you it's going to be okay or anything like that you aren't my patient I don't need to lie to you sweetcheeks but, all we can do it see how it goes... he may catch up be may not either way he's our little boy and he's perfect." She looked up and kissed him, "Sorry for making you come back." "Don't be beautiful." He smiled.

After a while of sitting watching tv, Jacob looked to Connie "Alright rolling... he's a boy, Lazy. Eye contact he holds if you look at him, smiling Grace swore the other day she'd seen him smile-" "Jacob she probably didn't-" "She said he did it to Ivie first after she pulled a face, now are you going to hear me out?" Connie nodded "Deaf... what if he's Deaf?" "What?" "Connie you bring him to a busy ED where there is loud noises, shouting and he doesn't even jump." "How long have you been thinking this... don't lie to me Jacob." She glared, "A few weeks but, I thought I was just being stupid-" "You're a nurse, how could you think that... Jacob you should have told me." She sighed "Sweetcheeks I'm sorry... I guess you didn't seem to worry so I thought maybe it was just me... why aren't you really angry?" He looked, "I've thought he was behind for a while and I didn't tell you... No more secrets." "No more secrets... we need to talk more maybe if we had told eachother, we would have maybe figured it out." They both sighed, "What if he is deaf?" Connie looked "We will all love him the same, we just might have to learn sign language and all that Jazz." He smiled, she laughed "You mean you will have to learn sign language... I will just have to sharpen up." He frowned "What?" "I know it you idiot." She laughed, "Is there anything you can't do?" He laughed, "A few things." "He might not even be deaf... he might just be partially deaf." "Yeah I know." She smiled, he kissed her head.

Connie phoned the health visitor, who sent for Noah to be referred to audiology, while Jacob went to get the girls. Noah played in his bouncer still in Connie's view while she cooked dinner, "I suppose it was inevitable you causing some trouble." She laughed "Grace and Ivie come early and cause trouble, you just cause trouble afterwards... I don't know which I prefer." She smiled, "Anyway mummy and daddy love you no matter what and I'm almost certain your sisters do."

She heard the front door shut before both girls bounded into the kitchen laughing, Connie finished up listening to the girls bombard her with stories about their day making Connie smile. The girls ran upstairs to get changed, Jacob came up behind her wrapping his arms around her, she lent her head back on his shoulder "You feeling better?" He spoke, "Hmmm... yeah, calmer." She smiled "Good." He smiled kissing her temple "It will all work out." He added

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