Chapter 73

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"Charlie what if-" "No what ifs he loves you you love him." He smiled. She nodded and released a breath, Grace and Ivie stood behind holding Noah's hands. They walked in, "Wow." Jacob whispered to himself as she came closer and closer. Before he knew it Noah had run riot into his arms, making everyone laugh. Charlie came and took him and sat with Duffy and the girls.

"You look... I can't even find the words to explain." She laughed, "Not to shabby yourself  Muscles." "Your gonna be my wife." The thought made tears form in his eyes, "Don't Cry, you'll give me the worng idea." She joked making him laugh, she gently ran her thumb under each eye collecting the water. He smiled and claimed her hands with his, she smiled before the wedding officiant began.

Their eyes met as he slid her ring on a bold smile on both their lips. "You may now kiss the bride." Jacob took no time and kissed her, so much emotion was shared through that simple kiss. Everyone clapped before the pair were bombarded with their three children hugging them, Connie smiled "We really are perfect." He whispered, "No, we're are own perfect." She whispered back.


The after party was in full swing and the pair took to the stage for their first dance. "Can I remove my heels?" She laughed, he chuckled as she removed the white stilettos. They began to slowly dance, "I nearly backed out today." She spoke solemnly, "Why?" He smiled, "I just... stupid as it sounds, panicked that you'd leave me or I wasn't good enough." "Dam right it's stupid!" She laughed, "I'm glad I came though." "Only glad?" He smirked, "Fine I'm more than glad." She giggled, "Also Masters you are absolutely tiny-" "we've been through this." She glared, "Ahh... it's nice to know you can still pull that face on our wedding day." The pair laughed as she lightly hit his chest, "You can be such an idiot... but your my idiot." "Ditto." He smiled, she smiled back "I'm love you so much." "I'm think I love you more Sweetcheeks."

Jacob danced on the dance floor with Noah in his arms, Connie sat from a distance watching him a smile on her face, that had been plastered there all day. Elliott came and sat next to her, she looked at him "Hello stranger." He laughed "Hello back." She chuckled too, "Never thought I'd see the day Connie Beauchamp gets married." "Yeah well Connie Beauchamp was dead and buried nearly five years ago." The pair shared a warm smile, "What did I do to deserve him?" Connie questioned, "It's not about deserving Connie. He just loves you like you love him, you need to stop thinking you don't deserve things." She smiled, "Yeah, your right." She stood up and walked over to the rest of them on the dance floor and began to dance. People slowly began to leave, "Right well we're here to take Grace, Ivie and Noah." Charlie smiled, Grace picked Noah up and took Ivie's hand. Connie came and hugged them quickly, kissing each ones forehead, as did Jacob "You be good okay." "We will mum." Grace smiled before they left.

"So Mrs.Masters, my wife, where shall we take you?" He smirked, "Well Mr.Masters, my husband, I'm slightly tired it's been a very long day." She smirked back, without another word, he picked her up like a baby. She giggled as he carried her up to their room they had booked.

The pair lay in an embrace as they caught their breath, "How did that just get better?" He laughed, "I thought it go worse once married?" She chuckled, "Well we right out own rules." He smiled kissing her head. She rolled over, so she now lay on top of him. "You know a man once told me that he was going to keep me safe, honestly at first I didn't think he could but, day by day I started too and I think I'll love him forever." He wiped her cheeks along with his own "We've been through a lot these past years." He added "No one else I'd rather have by my side though." She smiled "Me either Sweetcheeks." She kissed him before lying back down next to him. "We finally did it." She sighed with relief, "Yeah we did Beautiful, we finally did."

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