Getting married but alec interrupts Part 2

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credits to fearlessparabati

This is wrong!"

Everybody in the room stopped moving when Alec's voice was heard. With your Stele in your hand, ready to rune this stranger infront of you as your husband, you looked up and directly into the eyes of the tall Shadowhunter you grew up with.

The forced smile, you were holding since you entered the hall, vanished from your face. You were so sure you could get through with this. For the Lightwoods and for Alec. To protect him from an arranged marriage, you went into one on your own. It was the only thank you you could gave the Lightwoods for taking you in all this years ago. But looking at Alec made you rethink your decision.

"Alexander?", Robert asked his son and you could hear the warning tone in his voice but Alec didn't even look at him.

"Do you really want this, (y/n)? Because if you do, I am sitting down again and we continue. But only if you want this for yourself. Not for me, not for my parents. Not for honor or whatever else they are saying is important." Not just his parents gazed up at this words and your grip around the other Shadowhunter's arm got stronger, before you could force yourself to stop. "Only for you."

Only for you? You would never do this for you. Marring a man you never met before this day. Only knowing the things Robert and Maryse had tought you. He surely was a nice person and he was also good looking but you didn't feel anything for him. Trembling you gasped for air.

"I ... I can't."

You words weren't loud but it was enough to change the mood in the room again. Izzy's hand fell softly onto your shoulder. A sign of support, whatever you chose to do. She would give you to this man, because you asked her too, but she would also punch hold him back, if you wanted to go but he wouldn't let you. It was the support you needed to let go of his hand and repeat your words loud and strong.

"I can't."

You searched for Alec and your eyes meet. He was already standing in the middle of the hall now, gently smiling at you. Without caring for anybody else you run to him and let yourself fall into his arms.

Too many emotions going through your heads made you tear up but it didn't matter. You chose your freedom and yourself. And this was always the right choice.

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