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Alec Lightwood and you had been best friends since childhood. You were there for each other when no one else was. But when you grew into your teen years and hormones took charge, you had fallen in love with Alec. And that was a huge problem for you because it would always be an unrequited love for he himself had feelings for Magnus Bane. Even though he denied it. However, knowing that made things easier and eventually you would grow out of this stage as well.

When you found out that Alec was marrying Lydia Branwell to honour his family name, your heart shattered. You were resentful that he chose her over you, even if it was just a simple business transaction. The jealousy was preposterous and unnecessary, but you couldn't help feeling inadequate. Everyone was shocked at the news and your heart broke when you saw the lost look in Magnus' eyes. Alec was making a huge mistake and he didn't even care to realise.

While trying to sort out your feelings, you distanced yourself from the tall brunette. It didn't take him long to notice how hard you were avoiding him, so he decided to confront you.
"So what's going on?"
"Huh," you asked from your dresser, trying to find the perfect outfit for your undercover mission.
"You've been avoiding me for days and I don't know why. Talk to me."
"There's nothing to talk about. I left you alone to sort out the preparations for the wedding."
You walked past him, but he grabbed your arm to stop you taking any further step.

"Is this what it's about? The wedding? Izzy and Jace have been all over me about this, I at least expected you to stay by my side."
"Why her?"
"Why her?" You wrenched your arm out of his grip and frowned; "why her of all the females you know is she going to be your fake wife?"
"Because she has influence and well, mother approves of her. It would give us free reign over the Institute."
"I have influence, too. Much greater than Lydia. The only difference is that Maryse doesn't like me."

It took Alec a moment to process your words, but when he realised it was all just petty jealousy, a smile broke out.
"You're jealous."
He had expected you to deny and throw a temper tantrum like always, but you only wiped away your tears and replied in a calm manner.
"Of course I am, I've loved you for a long time. But I knew nothing was ever going to happen. So for you to blindly decide some rookie upstart would be a good way to honour your family name it hurt. It really does. When I've been here all along."
"But that's why I didn't want to involve you. I can read you like an open book, (y/n). I've known for a while now, but I didn't want to hurt you. So I kept Magnus a secret."

You chuckled condescendingly and sniffed, but your anger was gripping tightly.
"I know about Magnus!" You yelled at him, "he's the one who came to me! He felt my emotions and wanted to talk things through so there wouldn't be any hard feelings. And that's why I'm angry!"
You had managed to back him into the wall, brown eyes frowning at your fury.
"He loves you! And you love him! And you're here parading around with talk of marriage to that wannabe like it's supposed to fix everything! What is wrong with you?!"
You had punched his chest a few times for good measure and he did nothing to stop you. After a moment or two, he simply hugged you to him tightly. And even though you squirmed, you couldn't get out of his hold. So you let your tears flow freely and clutched onto him like a wounded animal.

"I will always love you, (y/n), I hope you know that. Thank you for always staying by my side."
You nodded, "just talk to me next time before you come up with another brilliant idea, okay?"
"Of course. Now what do we do about the marriage?"
You looked at him with a deadpan expression, "you dug a hole around yourself, now you want me to bail you out?"
"Don't you always?"

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