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As always i was woken up by my alarm clock that goes off at 7 a.m sharp. I opened my eyes to be met by the same sight i was everyday. Nothing was new in the institute. I got up and put on a happy face. I didn't want Alec or Izzy coming asking me questions.

"Get up we have a mission" i said when i stepped into Izzys room without knocking. I always did this since we had known each other forever it just didn't seem necessarily to knock. "How are even up right now" she complained and pulled the sheets over her head. "Because your brother might kill me if i wasn't" i laughed. I actually had started to get a crush on the oldest Lightwood. "You have such a crush on him" Izzy mumbled under her breath while getting up and going to her closet "I DON'T" i yelled and threw a pillow after her.

"We need about six people. So Izzy, me, Jace, Clary, Y/N and we'll take Luke with us too" Alec finish the short meeting he had called. Or so we thought "I'm not done" Alec said making all of us groan and sit back down in our seats "We have to make groups. Izzy i need you to go with Luke. Jace and Clary are together and Y/N you're with me" He finished gesturing for everybody to leave. A small smile grew on my face knowing i had the entire day to spend with Alec.

"Heres your chance" Izzy whispered when she passed me "SHUT UP ISABELLE" i yelled back. I really didn't need the entire institute knowing about my crush. Especially when Alec doesn't know anything. And he definitely doesn't feel the same way.

Alec and i were walking down the narrow hallway when a demon attacked out of nowhere. Alec of course had it under control. He hit the demon with enough force to knock it down so that i could cut it. I looked up and saw the look of satisfaction on his face.

"Come on. Run" Alec said after a few seconds of silence where we just stared at each other. I began running after Alec. when we got where we needed to go we stood in silence waiting for Izzy and Luke. "So. i realise we don't talk a lot... my fault but tell me something about yourself." I started. I would much rather have a conversation with Alec than just sit in awkward silence.

"Uhm. I don't know. I one shot my teacher with an arrow" He said randomly. I laughed out loud and turned to him with a shocked expression on my face.


"No" ALec laughed a little at the memory. "Your turn. Tell me something" He commanded.

"Oh... i guess i had kind of a boring life.... Oh one time i kissed a guy and i was supposed to text my friend about how bad the kiss was and i accidentally texted the guy" i sighed. To my surprise it got Alec laughing. After a while i realised why he was laughing so hard. "And that guy was Jace oh god i totally forgot you already knew that" I laughed at the thought.

"You got Jace crying for three days Y/N" Alec laughed " He coul-" he was gonna continue but got hit from behind him. I ran over to kill the demon who had attacked him.

"Alec are you okay." I yelled dropping to my knees. I tried to look at his stomach where he had been cut but he pushed me away trying to get up himself.

"I'm fine." He said but before he got up he totally blacked out.

"Hey. you're home don't worry. Jace and Luke helped me get you here" I said. I was sitting next to Alecs bed where he was currently laying shirtless.

"I'm fine really i don't need anything" He said trying to get up but of course his wound started aching and I pushed him down again. "Y/N i'm fine. I can take care of myself"

"I know you can but you're not fine. Now let me take care of you" i said. I started looking at his wound but it got too much for him and he grabbed my hand. My eyes shot up to look at him. "Uhm. Sorry, i didn't mean to hurt you" i said.

"Shut up" he said and lifted his hand to the back of my neck and lifted me. He quickly pushed his lips against mine. "How good was that because if you're gonna text someone about this i wanna know from now" He said. I laughed and pressed my lips to his again. 

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