I'm Here

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“Hey I was wondering if maybe you could do an imagine where the reader is really really young like 2ish and gets taken in by the Lightwood’s and Alec is always grumpy but she won’t leave him alone and she has a nightmare and goes to him for comfort and he comforts her and falls asleep with her in his arms and it’s super cute and fluffy please?”

Notes: hope you all like it! I’m still trying to fix my computer but it looks like I have really nessed it up this time so idk until I can write on my laptop again. 

Originally posted by alecs-bow-and-quiver


You didn’t really remember for how long you had been living at the New York’s Institute, just like you didn’t know when you became part of the Lightwood family. All you knew was that you loved being there, you loved being part of the family.

Izzy had always been your confident, your best friend and also your opponent. You two trained together since you were old enough to beging your training. Ever since, every practice had turned into a competition. You had so much fun teasing her just like she enjoyed defeating you. 
Max wasn’t around too often but when he was, he loved spending all the possible time with you. Playing football, training, playing board games and, of course, annoying Alec.

He had always been the quiet and grumpy one. You used to think he didn’t want you around but Izzy explained that it was just how he was. So you decided it would be easier to forget about it and live your life. You tried not to bother him since he was kind of intimidating and you never knew what to say around him. You knew why, you had admitted the crush you had on him a while ago but you forced yourself to hide it. It was easier than rejection.

“Nice shot” you congratulated Alec after watching him practising with the bow. 

“Thanks” he simply replied as he moved to fetch back the arrows. 

“Will you teach me someday?” You asked watching how he got ready to shot again. 

“You’re good enough with the sword” he said making you roll your eyes.

“I don’t want to be good just with one weapon” you replied. 

“I’m busy, okay?” He snapped, surprising you with his sudden harsh tone.

“What’s your problem?” You asked crossing your arms.

He turned around and looked at you like he was really about to answer your question. His eyes kind of scared you, making you take a step away which made him frown. He sighed and just put the bow and arrows in its place.

“Nothing” he said. “I’m just busy”, he added walking by your side without even giving you a second look. 

After that moment you didn’t see him in the whole day. You asked Izzy and apparently he had gone out to patrol or something. It was strange since you had heard him many times saying how much he hated patrolling. With a sigh, you went to your room, knowing he just left so he didn’t have to see you. 

You spent the rest of the day in your room, listening to music or reading, or just staring at the ceiling, wondering what on earth you had done to Alec to treat you the way he did. Eventually you ended up falling asleep. 


You didn’t know what time it was when you suddenly woke up covered in sweat. You just had an horrible nightmare that had woken you up, feeling so scared and lonely that you didn’t dare going back to sleep. Not on your own at least. 

Slowly, you got off bed and changed into your pajamas since you had fallen asleep in your regular clothes. Then, quietly so you wouldn’t wake anyone up, you left the room and walked to the end of the aisle, where Alec’s room was. You didn’t know why you were looking for his comfort but, somehow, you felt like seeing him would calm you down. 

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