a new beginning part 1

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credits to http://alecssourbixch.tumblr.com/

Hayley's POV

Its funny isn't it? How we can love somebody for our whole lives and suddenly they are gone, throw out of there lives like you were nothing but a bit of dirt on their shoes. Like you never really knew them.

My boyfriend, sorry EX-BOYFRIEND, Caleb cheated on me with our trainer back in Idris. Yeah I know, classy right? Anyways after i caught them in the act i went straight to my sister, she's a member of the Clave, Anna. I begged her to transfer me to a Institute, and thankfully she managed to arrange for me to move to New York.

I was currently packing all my belongings to take with me. When i heard a knock on my door. I hesitantly made my way over to open it to be bombarded with questions on why i was leaving.

My best friend Alex stormed in, stopping suddenly when she saw my suit cases.

" So its true" she whispers, still not facing me. I could tell she was upset, i went to hug her but she flinched from my touch.

"Why?!" She finally said after a minuet of silence.

" I just cant stay here anymore Al, Caleb cheated on me and the worst thing is i found out from a group of Shadowhunters that I didn't even know existed.... Al..." I started to choke up "Please.... out of all people I would of hoped you would understand"

I was expecting a huge argument to begin but i was greeted with a huge bear hug. Alex had ran at me at such a force i struggled to stand up straight .

" I am so sorry Hayley.... I really am... Next time i see that bastard i will fucking beat him to a pulp!" I laughed at Alex's words and hugged her harder.

" You do realise your getting a Hayley hug right? The rarest hugs ever" i giggle.

She just laughs as we pull away.

" Im going to miss you so much Hales" she says whilst looking at the ground.

" Hey we can always visit each other and don't forget we can FaceTime whenever you want!" I say reassuringly, putting my hand on her shoulder. She gave me a sad smile

" Need any help packing?" Al says out of nowhere.

"Sure, I'm glad you asked" i say motioning to the tornado wreckage that was my wardrobe. Earning a chuckle off my friend.

After what seemed like forever, we finally managed to pack my whole life into 2 suit cases.

The car pulled up to the centre building in Idris where we can portal out and in. I was bricking it. I hugged my sister and Alex goodbye and went through the main doors.

" Hayley Brookfire " i say to the receptionist. She looked in her mid thirties, hair scraped into a tight bun. Round glasses that didn't suit her, but she smiled politely.

"Right this way" she lead me down multiple corridors till we finally made it to a large, pale oak door. The receptionist, called Julie according to her badge, opened the door and gestured for me to enter.

" The Lightwood family are expecting you, good luck Hayley" she smiled and left silently.

I slowly looked around the room, nothing but me, my suit cases and a shimmering portal on the far wall. I crept towards it, instantly intrigued.


I stop hastily, who could possibly be texting me now? I fumble around, eventually getting my phone.

From: Jace Wayland

Hey Hales! Heard you were coming to stay at the New York Institute!! Cant wait to see you its been years. See you when you get here :p

I instantly smiled at the text, Jace and i grew up in Idris together till he was transferred to New York. It was a sad day, he was like a brother to me.

I sigh, slipping my phone into my back pocket. Then walk quickly through the portal.

As soon as i get to the other side of the portal i am greeted my a huge group of people.

The first person i saw was Jace, his smile brightened the room, and from what you remember Jace Wayland didn't smile often.

" Hayley! " Jace says whilst suffocating me in a hug, did I mention I hate hugs?

"Hey Jace" I say back, smiling as we pull away.

" Welcome to New York Hales" he says with a pat on my back.

" LET'S GET THIS PARTY STARTED!!" Shouts a small brunette girl. She approached me whilst everyone else started to dance. Can i just say this was some welcoming party!

" Hey I'm Izzy its so great to finally meet you!" The girl says whilst smiling at me " I'd hug you but I don't like hugging people" she says with an apologetic smile. Oh My God! Finally someone that shares my hatred for hugs?

" Its fine, I don't like hugging either i say to the the girl loudly because there was music playing.

She grinned. I could tell we were going to get along.

Izzy then showed me to my room where i dumped my bags and leather jacket. I couldn't be bothered changing. I had black skinny jeans on , a white tank with a black sports bra underneath with my combat boots. I look okay for a party i guess.

I pulled my brown hair up into a ponytail and followed Izzy back to the main room, where the party was. I stood alone whilst Izzy went to get us some drinks. Then out of the corner of my I eye I spot someone.

The brooding boy at the back of the room was the one out of the crowd of people that caught my attention.

His dark, perfectly styled hair moved revealing the most breath-taking face I had ever seen.

Suddenly he glanced up and spotted me staring, shit! I looked away instantly. After a couple of seconds i sneaked a peak at the boy only to find him staring at me with a smirk.

" Thats my older brother Alec" Izzy says appearing next to me with two drinks.

" How did you-" I begin.

" Just an Izzy thing" she winked and started a discussion with a faerie.

I look back over to where the boy was stood but I could see him, damnit.

" Hey, Im Alec Lightwood " I hear a husky voice from behind me, i turn around to be greeted with the older sibling of the Lightwoods.

" Hey, Hayley Brookfire" I reply putting my hand out to shake hands. He hesitated for a moment before accepting my hand. His fingers we callused from training, but my heart raced as he held my hand.

"Its a pleasure" He whispered, with a smirk.

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