Old Characters Of The Past

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Hey you! Yeah you! Us, your abandoned characters from books you were trying to write! What? No! You can't give up on us! No! We need to have an exposition! We need to have a rising action! We need to have a Climax! We need to have a falling action! We need a resolution! Come on! I know you have some idea's in there somewhere! Go online! Fine some cool fashions to dress us in! Find cool places to put us! Find perfect plots and twists! You can't give up on us!

You: But I don't feel like I can write you guys anymore, no words are coming to my head!

Well you can always find ways to get inspired because we need a book to be in! I have to be a main character! Kill me if you want but I have to be in a book by you! Fall in love with me like you fall in love with the other fictional characters from other people's books!! Let me be your Hazel Grace Lancaster! Let me be your Tris! Let me be your Katniss Everdeen! Just please don't abandon us! We are good characters, but if you want us to be, we can be bad. We can be whatever you want! Just please don't send us to abandon characters dump with all the others!  Please I don't want you to forget about me! Write me into a book! Shape me, mold me, make me! Please! Just! Write! Me!

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