Sam And Devin (LGBTQA)

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Before Sam was even born, their parents loved them a lot. They made a whole new room for them in the house for them and painted it green. They said they would love whatever gender baby they had, that's what they said. They said it to everyone that would ask what gender they wanted, a boy or girl? They would always say they would love them whatever they were. When Sam was born, she was a healthy baby girl. Her parents instantly went online and bought her tons of dresses, shoes, and other girly clothing. As Same grew up she realized she didn't like dresses all that much, she hated the color pink and hated how her parents thought she would a stereotypical daughter. She leaned more towards hoodies and jeans rather than dresses and leggings. She would often take odd jobs around her neighborhood to get money so she could buy the clothing she wanted. She didn't like having to wear dresses at parties and when she told her parents, they dismissed it as just a phase. She learned about the LGBT community in the eighth grade when her best friend Devin asked her to come with him to a pride parade. Devin told her all about the people in this community and what they were like. He told her about the different sexualities and genders and even came out to her as gay. She didn't know what she was or how she felt until Devin told her about this thing called being transgender. She felt she wanted to transition, she wanted to be a boy. One night at dinner, a few weeks before the pride parade, she decided to come out to her parents.

"Mom, dad, I don't like being a girl anymore, I want to be transgender, I want to be a boy," She says.

My parents glare at me and my father shouts, "I raised a girl, not a boy!"

So what did they do? They kicked her out on the streets with nowhere to go. She had her stuff in her suitcases because before coming out at dinner, she packed just in case. She had no idea where to go, but knew one thing, she was going to become a boy. She started to walk towards Devin's house because she knew he would let her stay at least the night. He opened the door as soon as she knocked and she told him what happened at home. Devin welcomed her will open arms and hugged her as soon as she came into the house. Devin's parents then came into the room.  

They both looked at them hugging and one of them says, "Welcome back to our house Sam, you can stay for as long as you like,"

Sam had slept over at Devin's countless times before but never had she knew they were supporters of the community. She looked at them with a sad smile.

"So your supporters?" She asks.

They smile at her and one of them says, "Yes, ever since Devin came out to us we have been, we have to support this community, did you people actually suicide because of the harsh words put on them for being LGBTQA?"

She shakes her head no and looks over to Devin, who is smiling at her. 

"She wants to be a boy actually," He says and takes my hand, "She's wanted to be one for awhile, but couldn't because of her parents,"

"Well then! We will make sure to transform you into the best looking boy you can be!" One of his parents says. 

Sam looks at them with tears in her eyes, "Thank you so much,"

Now it's been years and Sam is finally a boy. He lives with Devin's family and they are growing very fond of each other if you know what I mean. People bullied Devin and Sam in the past at school, so they know take classes online. Together they hope to move out one day and get an apartment. They haven't told his parents about their plan for the future until one night when they caught them kissing each other. It wouldn't be a problem except they couldn't get the funds for it. Every place they tried to get hired at would find out they were gay or that Sam was trans and fire them. They soon realized they would have to stay with Devin's parent's forever. Sam was alright with that though, Devin's parents were good people. They had given him the life he couldn't have found at home. A life where he could be himself. 

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