Who I Am

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All my life people have told me I am disabled. They told me there is something wrong with me, so they have to fix it. Medication, therapy, it never works. After everything, I still feel alone inside. 

Do you know what my elementary school labeled me as? Handicapped. Me, handicapped?! This sort of handicapped wasn't physical, nor social, but mental. My disorder only affects me slightly, I am not like the kids in the "special classes".

They said I was "out of control" because I couldn't hide my feelings. I would cry over the slightest things and get angry too, they would take me to the principal's office and punish me every time.

Punishment is not the way to help me, not at all. You need to understand my strengths and learn to cope with my disadvantages. Sure, I talk too much, sure, I am over emotional, but I am still a human.

Okay, so I can't do math or remember things properly. Help me instead of giving me an F, find a way for me to learn. I still can learn, of course I can, but not as well as everyone else. Then why do people still call me dumb if I can do everything they can?

Did you know I am more creative than some because of my "disability"? I think out of the box more often than not and create amazing things. Did you know Albert Einstein had ADHD? Well, now you do.

Did you also know that 11 percent of kids ages 4 to 17 (6.4. million kids) in the United States have been diagnosed with ADHD? Just think of that, just sit and think about it. 6.4 million kids that people think have a disability, 6.4 million kids are more creative.  

I can't sit still, or stop talking, or control my emotions, or stop thinking, but I am okay. I am okay because ADHD does not affect me that much because of my medication. A misunderstanding with the medication is that it will make you "normal".

There is not a true definition of "normal", it's what we label others who we think fit in. You won't just wake up normal one day, it's impossible. What is possible is to be friendly, caring, and kind, traits people often associate with normal.

No, I am not sick, nor handicapped, nor disabled, there is nothing wrong with me! Just because I don't act like society wants me to, they put me on this stupid medication. They think it's impossible for me to learn, or be smart, without it, which is stupid. Some pills should not define me, nor should ADHD.

 I may have ADHD but ADHD does not have me!

 I may have ADHD but ADHD does not have me!

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