100 Chapters!/Valentines Day Special!

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(Happy Valentine's day everyone! It's crazy I have written one hundred chapters of this! Okay now on to the story.)

Imagine you get this note in your locker at school:

Dear (Your name here),

I have seen your pretty face in the hallways, and have seen people laughing at your jokes at lunch. I wanted you to know that I like you, and want to talk to you but I don't have the courage to. You seem to be such a fantastic peer in all your classes because I always am hearing in the hallways that you got honor roll(again). I was hoping that sometime in the next year I would find the courage to speak to you but I can't so I will let you do the talking.


(Your favorite character or crushes name)

How would you feel? How would you react? Would you talk to him or call him a creep? It's all up to your heart.

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