Chapter 7

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Frisk sat in bed beside Chara, who was still unconscious, Papyrus had explained what Sans did, Frisk stared at Chara, playing with her hair, she got up and left the room, and walked outside, she closed her eyes and swelled into her thoughts the moon shining on her, suddenly a red light shone through her eyelids, she opened her eyes and saw a red, glowing heart, her soul, suddenly she heard a weird and evil laugh, she looked behind her to see Chara right in front of her face, holding a knife in one hand, "C-C-Chara?" Frisk back away, the vision of her soul had disappeared, Chara slowly followed her, laughing evils and smiling slyly, her eyes were glowing red, "C-Chara! Stop this!" Frisk tensed up and finally began running towards the house she slammed the door shut, locking it, she sat down in front of it, her mind lost, then feeling tears forming in her eyes.

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