Chapter 5

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"Agh... my head..." Chara groaned in pain, she woke to see herself in an empty and dark room, her legs and arms chained to a chair, "Huh? What the..." She looked around even more, she saw cameras in each corner, she looked at one and sneered "Let me g- Mfffp!" Her mouth was covered by a boney hand, "Mfft!" She wiggled around in the chair, "Hey kiddo, what's wrong? Can't move? Hahahahaha!" Sans pulled something out of his pocket, duct tape, he began to tear off a piece and taped Chara's mouth shut, her hands were trying the grab the chains holding her arms on the back of the chair "Mmpt!" She growled at Sans as he left the room laughing, then talking to a few others, a few other skeletons walked in, one had a syringe and the other had a knife, the one who had the syringe looked at the tip of the needle, he had a tag saying 018, his number that people called him, the other was 019. 018 looked at the other, he nodded and he poked Chara with the needle, as soon as the liquid came she began to wriggle, "Ammf!" She was in excruciating pain, 019 held a knife up to her neck, keeping her from wriggling, soon all the liquid was out, she was breathing heavily, and the skeletons left. Chara was left there in pain, crying for help within her mind.

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