Chapter 39

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Chara lie in a hospital bed, her second time, too. Thomas paced outside the building, he nearly had the cat, and Chara, he had pity, he also had a little crush on her, though, he wouldn't intrude, if Chara was with someone. He thinks that Frisk is her sister, but he doesn't know. Thomas growled, "This is gonna take for ever!" He complained, though he didn't want to leave Chara here. He stood there for two more hours, waiting. Thomas opened his eyes as the door opened, Chara. "Chara?" He smiled, "Thomas?" She looked over at him, and hugged him, "I don't understand what happened, why am I here?" She asked, "You had a heart attack, we heard a scream down an alleyway, you weren't responding, as if you were frozen. I tried to catch the cat, but, he was faster, and when I came back you looked like you were dead, so I brought you here." He explained, "O-Oh, thanks." She said, "Lets get going." Thomas grabbed her hand, Chara sighed as they walked away from the hospital, Thomas let go of her hand, looking down at her, "What is that girl to you?" He asked, "Frisk? Oh, uhm, we're... dating." She said, "O-Oh." He suddenly frowned, blushing, "W-Why?" Chara looked at him, "I just wondered." He lied, he wanted to be with her, he had never been this jealous over someone. He glanced down at Chara, smiling and blushing, he should be happy for her.

Chara walked down the sidewalk, chatting with Thomas, she had told him about Toriel, Sans, Undyne, Asgore, Papyrus, Alphys, and her brother, Asriel, it broke her heart just to tell him what happened. Chara sighed and yawned, she was getting tired, "Tired?" He asked, "Mhm." She nodded, "You can stay with me at my apartment." He said, "Th-Thanks." She smiled.

He unlocked his apartment door and opened the door for her, it was nice, clean, and well-furnished. "Are you hungry?" He asked, "I have ramen noodles." He said before she could reply, "What are ramen noodles?" She asked, "Just soup, with different flavorings, there's beef, chicken, shrimp, creamy chicken, and etc." He said, "Umm, could I have beef? Please?" She asked, "Sure thing."

Chara didn't feel comfortable sleeping with Thomas, so she slept on the couch, he didn't want to force her to stay, though, he was desperate. Chara stared at the ceiling, unable to sleep. She thought about Frisk, that night with their souls, the day she asked her put, the day they confessed their feelings, and just a few days ago, when she was taken. Chara sighed and closed her eyes, finally falling asleep.

Tagging: PrincessAsriel, kawaii_shipper02, (okay I give up)

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