Chapter 28

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Frisk sat down on the swings, kicking the ground to start it, Chara sat down in the one next to her, they both swung quietly, "Howdy guys!" Asriel walked over to them, sitting down at the swings, "Hey." Chara smiled, she had her hoodie above her head, as if she was hiding from someone. Asgore was making something on the public grill, Toriel was laying out a picnic sheet on one of the tables, cars started to park around the place, Chara stopped swinging, looking over at one of the cars, she saw reddish gills peeking out from the car, Undyne. She shut the door, and began walking towards Asgore and Toriel. Another car parked by Undyne's, it was a van, sciency looking, Chara had already guessed who that was before they opened the door, Alphys. Then there was a bicycle honk, Papyrus came from behind Undyne's car, "Nyeh-heheh!" Chara heard him, "Oh, I hope Sans won't come." Chara heard Frisk say, but then they saw Sans, coming last after all the others, Asgore had invited him, unknowing of what happened, Papyrus didn't even know he was coming. Chara gasped and fell out of the swing, "Oh no..." She said, "What's wrong?" Asriel asked, "Egh, no time to explain!" Chara swiftly pulled herself off the ground and ran over to Toriel "Mom! Why is Sans here?" She asked, pointing at the skeleton, "What? Asgore? Did you invite him?" Toriel looked at him, "Yes, why?" He asked, "He nearly made me kill Frisk!" Chara exclaimed, "Wait what? You nearly killed Frisk?" Asgore looked at Chara, "Due to him!" She pointed at Sans once more, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't know." He said, Chara growled, looking at Sans, then back at them, "Well don't just stand there! Do something!" Chara growled louder, Frisk and Asriel were standing there, watching them, Toriel walked over to Sans, Chara carefully listened and watched, "Hey Toriel!" He greeted cheerfully, "Sans, you need to go." She replied, "Why? What did I do?" He asked, looking innocent, "You know what you did! Leave!" Toriel pointed towards the exit of the park, Chara felt someone slap her shoulder, "Hey punk! What's goin' on with Toriel and Sans?" Undyne asked, "L-Long story," Chara replied, still watching Toriel and Sans, Undyne was pulled away by Frisk, who began to explain what happened.

"Oh..." Undyne said, shocked a little, "I've never thought of Sans doing anything like that." She looked over to the skeleton, he was refusing to leave, Toriel's face was red with anger, Undyne walked over to her car, pulling something out of the backseat, a spear, she walked over to Sans and Toriel, "Hey Sans, I think you should get going." Undyne glared at the skeleton, "Now you too?" Sans growled, shaking his head as he walked away.

Prooobably should've told Asgore beforehand.
Tagging: PrincessAsriel, kawaii_shipper02, nothuman21

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