Chapter 10

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Chara stood behind Papyrus and Toriel, Toriel was carrying Frisk who was bloodied up, "We don't know, but we'll find out." *wink wink* Toriel said, Chara followed them home. Papyrus already knew it was her, he had forgot about the symptoms until just now, the parasite that made Chara go insane finally left, the parasites had came from the shot, once they left Chara couldn't remember anything she did. Chara lifted her head when she heard Frisk moan in pain.

Toriel opened the door and gently lie Frisk down on the couch, Frisk was sleeping, though she didn't look peaceful, "Papyrus, could you go find some bandages?" Toriel asked, Chara sat by Frisk's feet, Papyrus nodded and headed upstairs.

Soon it was night time, Papyrus had left, Toriel decided to stay downstairs with Frisk and Chara. Chara stared at the ground she took a glance at her hand, which had a little blood on it, Huh? She wiped it away and looked at Frisk, "Chara, do you remember any skeletons giving you a shot, Toriel suddenly said, "Not... really," the whole thing started flooding back to her, "well, now I do..." she said, "You did this." Toriel said, Chara looked up an offended look on her face, "Papyrus told me the symptoms of the shot, it's clear you did this." Toriel was trying her hardest not to sound rude, "No... you're lying..." Chara slowly stood, "YOU ARE LYING!" Chara yelled, she looked at Frisk, then remembering the blood on her hand, and the shot, all of a sudden a flashback came to her mind

"Hello, Frisk." She heard a familiar voice some one grabbed her hand and dragged her to an unfamiliar place, no matter how hard she tried to escape, the person held a tight grip she was thrown on the ground, she looked up to see Chara, her green hoodie hiding her face, holding a knife. "Chara! This isn't you! Stop!" But that didn't stop her, Chara stepped closer, "W-Wait... remember this?" Frisk got something out of her pocket, it was the flower crown she had made Chara before she confessed her feelings, Chara tightened her grip on the knife, "Chara... don't, don't do this..." Frisk pleaded, Chara dropped the knife, walking away, Frisk quickly got up and grabbed Chara's hand, turning her around, hugging her, "Chara... I know you're in there... please, show a sign that you are..." Frisk began to cry in Chara's shoulder, "Get off of me!" Chara shoved Frisk off of her, and grabbed her knife, "C-Char- !" Frisk stopped as Chara took a slash at her leg, "Chara! What are you doing?!" Frisk got up, "My job." Chara threw her knife at Frisk, stabbing her in the shoulder, then walking away.

"But... I wouldn't..." Chara burst out crying and run upstairs, Toriel had her eyes closed, facing the ground "I'm sorry." She whispered.

Yikes, Chara's wounded.
Tagging: PrincessAsriel

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