Chapter 9

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Papyrus walked with Toriel in the forest, calling out Frisk's name, Frisk could hear, but she couldn't get up. Papyrus walked into an opening with Toriel, who was shaking, worried for both Frisk and Chara, "Fris-" Papyrus stopped looking over to a bloodied knife, then he looked further ahead to see Frisk, "Over there!" He pointed, Toriel ran over to Frisk "Frisk! My child!" Frisk groaned in pain "C-..C-.." she stuttered, "Chara-" Toriel shushed her, "No, don't speak, we need to he help." Toriel said, she picked up Frisk and walked back with Frisk, but stopped in her footsteps, "Mom? What happened to Frisk?"

Hmm, weird right? All of a sudden Chara's evil and now she doesn't remember hurting Frisk, ouch, when she finds out she's gonna burst, dontcha think?
Tagging: PrincessAsriel

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