Chapter 40

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Chara woke to a knock on the door, she fell off the couch, hitting her head on the wooden floor, "Ouch! What the?" She stood and looked through the peephole, there was somebody in a black robe, she couldn't quiet see their face, all she saw was a gray muzzle, "Who is there?" She heard Thomas asked, "I don't know, I can't see their face, she fell backwards as there was a louder and harder knock, "Alright, hold on," Chara scooted out of the way, Thomas opened the door, "Who are you?" He asked, the person walked into the apartment, Chara got up, looking at the person, she grabbed the knife handle from her pocket in case of a threat, they took off the robe and there was Blake, Chara growled, Thomas as well, "Goodmorning." Blake smiled, "What are you doing here Blake?" Chara sneered, "Oh, just came here to tell you your precious Frisk is locked up, in our grasp, somewhere that will take you at least two years to find." He laughed, bopping Chara's nose, "Get out!" Chara's face changed, into the scary face she used in fights, the echo was also in her voice, "Leave! Now! Last warning!" She growled, pointing to the door with the tip of her knife, "Very well." He laughed, walking towards the doorway, Thomas looked at Chara, "What type of face is that?" He asked, kind of creepers out, Chara shook the face away, "Lets follow him." She said, grabbing Thomas' hand, he shut the door, and Chara followed Blake quietly, he walked out of the complex and Chara followed him out, but he was gone, she let go of Thomas's hand, "Stay he-" she was pulled away by something that grabbed the collar of her shirt and into an alleyway, Thomas jumped around to the alleyway, but she was gone.

Tagging: PrincessAsriel, kawaii_shipper02

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