Chapter 31

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Chara slowly stood up from her bed, gazing over both Asriel and Frisk, Asriel had shared the room with them now that he was back, she glanced over at Frisk, she walked over to the closet, opening the door, she glanced over at Frisk, sighing, she put on her regular outfit and walked out of the room, Toriel and Asgore were still sleeping, Chara grabbed her jacket, sliding on her hoodie, and grabbing a big piece of paper, she curled it up like a cone, walking outside, shutting the door quietly. She walked through the forest, she heard birds chirping, the sky was a perfect blue Chara smiled. If only everyday was like this. She thought, and walked out into the opening, she crouched down, picking out a bunch of flowers, carefully, stuffing them in the paper cone, the stems were peeking out the bottom, but the flower showing itself at the top, she stabilized it so the paper wouldn't unfold, and walked over to a tree, sitting down, she pressed her back against the trunk of the tree, sighing, dozing off into a sleep.

Short chapter, I know, sorry.
Tagging: PrincessAsriel, kawaii_shipper02, nothuman21

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