Chapter 37

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Chara carried the umbrella, walking around the city, it was big, Chara was lost, and she knew it. Chara looked around, she smiled as she spotted a Grillby's, she walked in, shut the umbrella, and ordered a fruit cocktail. She sat at a booth, drinking the cocktail, she brightened as she saw the boy who gave her the umbrella come into the restaurant. She waved kindly, smiled, and he smiled back. Chara let down her hoodie as he sat down at her booth, "Hey." He greeted, "Hey..." Chara replied, she grabbed the umbrella, holding it up in the air, "Oh, no, you can keep it." He said, "Okay, thanks." She smiled, she held out her hand, "Chara." He shook her hand, "Thomas." He smiled, "I haven't seen you around here before, ya new here?" He asked, "Umm, kind of, I came here looking for..." She stopped in her trail, her mood suddenly dropped, "Are you okay?" He asked, "Y-Yeah, it's just, me and someone else are being chased, by a crazy cat and an evil skeleton." She sighed, "Oh, uh, wh-what does the other look like?" He asked, "Brown, short hair, she's very short, she has dark red eyes-" he stopped her, "Like you?" Chara nodded, "Y-Yeah, she also wears the same sweater as you." Chara finished, "I... I think I know where she is..." he said.

Tagging: PrincessAsriel, kawaii_shipper02, (still won't let me tag nothuman)

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