Chapter 41 (Abuse Warning)

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Chara growled and pushed the guy away from him as he grabbed the waist of her pants, she pulled out her knife, the guy sneered and snapped his fingers, a few others came and took the knife away from her, cuffing her hands, "Now then, let's get this over with." The guy chuckled, grabbing the waist of her jeans again, Chara whimpered, she closed her eyes, just hoping someone would help her, all of a sudden there was an angry yell, and Chara's hands were let go, she opened her eyes, then darted out of the alleyway, not daring to look back, she ran into the highway, there were honks and tire squeaks, Chara stopped as a car nearly hit her, it honked she looked through the windshield, then back to the alleyway, she saw the person who grabbed her and Thomas chasing him slowly as he ran towards Chara. Chara looked back at the car, and then she felt something hit her cheek, hard

(Warning: If you are sensitive to domestic abuse PLEASE DO NOT READ!)

The car honked and Chara rubbed her cheek running as the guy chased her, she tripped and fell, she rolled over to see him glaring at her, Thomas was stopped by several cars, unable to get to Chara. Chara whimpered as he picked h er up by her hair, kicking her down again, she blocked her face, whimpering, curling up in scarce, he kicked her side and she held it, he pulled her up and pushed her against a brick wall, knocking the breath out of her, he slapped her, then punching her, she had a bloodied nose, blood trickling down her chin from her mouth, he growled and kicked her in her stomach, she fell, lying in a sitting position, she moaned in pain, and he kicked her once more, she coughed, blood splattering the ground, she was shaking crazily, she bad bruises on her chest, side, and especially face, he grabbed out a knife, slashing at her legs, she was weak unable to move, she had no defense. Soon there were sirens, police came and the guy the the knife down, giving Chara one last slash at her leg.

Thomas ran over to Chara as the cars cleared, "Chara!" He skidded to a halt, crouching down to her, "Chara?" He looked at her, her face was bloodied, her legs were bleeding her side aching with pain, blood spilled down her face, from both nose and mouth, "Thom...." her voice trailed off, " please... f-find... Frisk... keep her... safe." She slowly said, her voice wheezing, "No, you're not gonna die, c'mon." He grabbed her and went to his apartment, he had actually been a medic before, so he knew what to do.

So, Thomas is a medic, this dude nearly raped and killed Chara, what more is there to be? Eh?
Tagging: PrincessAsriel, kawaii_shipper02

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