Chapter 27

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Chara jumped out of her bed, "Dad!" She ran over and hugged him tightly, "Hey there." Asgore chuckled, "Hey Frisk! Catch!" Chara heard Asriel downstairs, Chara pushed her way through the doorway, running downstairs, she saw Frisk and Asriel playing catch with a tiny orange football, Frisk jumped up, the football smacking her hand, she closed her palm down on the football, "Hey Chara! Wanna play?" Frisk asked, Chara looked over at Asriel, he had grown since the last time Chara seen him, he was looking at her, smiling, "Uhh... sure.." Chara jumped off the last two steps, Frisk pushed her in between the line, "Monkey in the middle!" She giggled, "Oh, this is gonna be easy." Chara rolled her eyes, she was the tallest out of all of them, Frisk was the shortest, Frisk threw the ball, Chara easily grabbed the ball, "Aw." Frisk traded places with Chara. Chara threw the football, going aa little low to make it easy for Frisk. The ball flew past Frisk and into Asriel's grasp, Toriel came downstairs, "Me and Asgore were talking, maybe we should go to the park to celebrate this reunion?" She asked, "Sure." They all said.

Tagging: PrincessAsriel, kawaii_shipper02, nothuman21

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