Chapter 6

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Chara had later got knocked out from the shot, Frisk was growing worried, really worried, it had been nearly two days.

Papyrus pushed his brother out of his way, "Hey! Don't you dare!" Sans sneered, Papyrus ignored him and walked in the room, loosening the chains from Chara's limbs, Sans had got a few guards, "Get hims" Sans demanded, Papyrus pushed right through, Chara hanging off his shoulder, "Nyeh-heheh!" Papyrus waved at his brother running out the cave Chara was hid in, Chara was still unconscious, hanging off of Papyrus' shoulder.

Frisk lie in a bed of yellow flowers, thinking about Chara, she had searched everywhere she could think of, nothing.

Papyrus rushed to the door, looking behind him, no sign of Sans or any of them, but there was one thing he did see, Frisk, she was staring at him, her face with a shocked expression, he walked over to her, "W-w-what happened?"

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