Chapter 45

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Chara woke, feeling quite awkward as she found herself leaning against Thomas. She yawned and pulled herself up, she was still a little shaky, her side still hurt, and so did her legs. She scooted over to her wheelchair, she slipped into it, yawning once more, she rolled herself into Thomas' room, looking at his bookshelf, she picked out a book, and rolled back to the living room, she scooted on the couch, flipping to the Prologue, she waited.

Thomas pushed Chara around as she slept in the wheelchair, he was heading to the grocery store to get more food. He walked into the store, Chara shook awake at the chatter inside the building, "Hey, you're awake, I'm just going to get some grocerys for the house, I didn't want to leave you at the house alone." He said, Chara nodded, resting as he shopped for food. Chara watched him walk away to look at a few grapes, she looked beside her and smiled, grabbing five chocolate bars, throwing them in the cart, "Hey! What the?" Thomas chuckled as he came over, Chara pleaded jokingly and pitifully like a child, Thomas rolled his eyes, "Alright, fine." He smiled, "Yay!" Chara smiled with glee. Thomas continued shopping as Chara looked around the store, whistling, her hands began to shake again, which for some reason made her wheezy and nauseous. She lifted her hand, sighing and lying her head back, waiting for Thomas to finish shopping.

Tagging: PrincessAsriel, kawaii_shipper02, Undertale_Garbage, nothuman21

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