Chapter 12

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"Papyrus! You traitor!" Sans tackled his brother, "Why do you hate Chara and Frisk so much?" Papyrus, three Sans off of him, Sans eyes darkened, "They killed everyone." He said darkly, a few other skeletons grabbed Papyrus, cuffing his hands, "Sans! This isn't how you used to act! What happened the the brother I knew?" Sans flicked his hand and the guard's took Papyrus away.

Sans walked around, looking for someone to snatch up to kill Chara and Frisk, he spotted someone who stopped right at an alleyway, Sans snuck in the alleyway, hitting the other with a pan, he was a cat, but like Toriel and them. Sans quietly dragged the cat to his secret cave, he sat the cat in the chair he once had Chara in, and before he could wake up they gave him the shot, that surely woke him, "Woah! AGH!"...

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