Chapter 15 (Gore Warning)

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Blake flicked his ear looking over to where he heard his name, he wriggled as he saw the people he was supposed to kill.

Chara looked at the other side of the restraunt, there was a dance going on, Chara looked a little flustered, with how many times she's been here she never remembered there being a dance floor. She shrugged and liked at Frisk, who grabbed her last fry, Chara grabbed her arm making her drop the fry, Chara brought Frisk to the dance floor, she circled her, doing weird dance moves to tease her, Frisk rolled her eyes and grabbed Chara's hands, she smiled and giggled, beginning to dance with Chara.

Blake looked at the two, growling, So they're a couple? He asked himself and went to get another drink, he drank the glass and went back to where he was.

Chara glanced at Blake, who was fixing to throw something at who looked like Frisk, Frisk stopped moving, "You okay?" She asked, Chara grabbed her yelling "Duck!" And crouched down with Frisk, Blake growled, Chara growled as well and stormed over to him as a confused audience watched, "What the hell were you doing?" She sneered, "My job, which I'm gonna fail if you would just stay still," he grabbed his knife, "C-Chara!" Frisk yelled from the other side of the room, he smiled and stabbed her in her side, "I... b-... guh-.." Chara stared at Blake with widened eyes, and her mouth was open, beggining to cough up blood, then falling on the ground, "Chara!" Frisk began to cry as she slid to Chara's side, "Chara?" Frisk stared at Chara, "F-Fr...isk..." Chara slowly moved her hand to grab Frisk's shoulder, people were screaming and running.

"Now it's time for you," Blake held up his knife about to throw it at Frisk, but something grabbed his arms and took the knife away, "What?" He growled as his hands were cuffed, the police took him out the building and in came the ambulance, Frisk picked up Chara carefully, "Please... help her..." she sobbed, and the medic took her away in the ambulance truck, Toriel had later came, Frisk had texted her, Frisk cried into Toriel's robe, hoping that after Blake got out of jail... some one would kill him.

Geez Frisk, that's a dark thought, and umm, yeah, I'll leave the ones tagged below on a cliffhanger.
Tagging: kawaii_shipper02, PrincessAsriel

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