Chapter 3

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Chara looked in the mirror, her red eyes filled with determination, she quickly brushed her teeth and hair, getting ready, her and Frisk were going to the movie theater for their date, she put on her regular outfit, a green and yellow sweater with jeans, putting on her jeans and shoes she walked downstairs, Frisk was outside, and was talking to what looked to be Sans, they both looked angry she opened the door and narrowed her eyes at the two, Sans suddenly teleported behind Frisk, pushing her into a pond, Chara gasped and ran at Sans grabbing his hoodie before he left, "Hey!" She growled, he turned around, looking up at her, "Don't think that we've forgotten what you've done in the past, Chara..." He said, and teleported out of her grasp, "W-what?" Chara was flustered and angry, she looked over at the pond to see Frisk struggling to stay up, "Frisk!" Chara ran over and got on her knees, holding her hand out as close to Frisk as she could without falling in, Frisk eagerly grabbed her hand, Chara pulled her back to surface "Are you okay?" She sat in the grass next to her, Frisk coughed, "Y-yeah, I-Im fine." She replied, yet again coughing, "C'mon, we can do the movie theater tommorow, let's get you washed up." Chara grabbed her hand and helped Frisk up, Chara glanced at Frisk, she looked like she was in pain, mentally.

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