Chapter 20

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Chara woke as something pushed her chest, she flung herself up, gasping for breath, she lookec around and saw two medics and a nurse, "She's... she's alive." One medic said, "W-what?" Chara was flustered, "You died." He said, "How?" Chara raised an eyebrow, "You were stabbed, you were brought here, you died due to a dislocation, we fixed it and brought you back..." He replied, Chara sneered "Blake..." her expression turned dark, "What was that?" The nurse asked, ,N-Nothing." She realized that the nurse was a gray cat, like Blake, only older and was a girl, "No, did you say Blake?" She asked again, "Brenda, I don't think now's the t-" the nurse stopped him "Shush, Caliber, now, did you say Blake?" She asked again, "Y-Yes... why?" Chara grew worried, "He's my son."

Phew, Chara's back, but how will Brenda react when Chara tells her that Blake did this?
Tagging: PrincessAsriel, kawaii_shipper02

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